ASIN Data API allows you to retrieve Amazon product data by GTIN, ISBN, UPC or EAN code when making a type=product query.
To lookup Amazon product data by GTIN, ISBN, UPC or EAN code you simply use the gtin parameter instead of the asin when making a type=product request.
When the gtin parameter is supplied ASIN Data will attempt to look up the GTIN/ISBN/UPC/EAN on the Amazon domain supplied in the amazon_domain parameter, before then retrieving product details for the resultant ASIN. It is important that if you are looking up a GTIN/ISBN/UPC/EAN you supply the correct Amazon domain in the amazon_domain parameter - i.e. in the example below for the UK-issued EAN of 5702015866637 .
The full Product Data API request would be:
Note that ASIN Data will cache the GTIN-to-ASIN mapping for 2 months. To force a new GTIN lookup (for example, if you suspect the existing mapping is stale), use the skip_gtin_cache=true request parameter (note that using skip_gtin_cache=true decrements 2 credits from your balance, instead of 1).
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