Management APIs
Destinations API

Update Destination


Update Destination

Destinations can be updated by making an HTTP PUT to the /destinations/DESTINATION_ID endpoint (where DESTINATION_ID is the id of the Destination). The body can be either x-www-form-urlencoded parameters or a JSON object.

The parameters for updating a Destination are the same as those used when creating a Destination.


PUT /destinations/DESTINATION_ID

In the example below we update a Destination with id=ABCDEFG to be disabled:


BigBox API responds with a JSON object containing details of the updated Destination.

Verifying your Destination Whenever you enable a previous disabled Destination, or update an existing Destination's credentials, BigBox API will upload and then delete a small test file to the Destination to verify connectivity. If this connectivity test fails then the update operation itself fails.

Next Steps      Create Destination      List Destinations

Updated 07 Aug 2024
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