GET /request
The Category Parameters are applicable when making a request with type=category to retrieve category results from Walmart. The category is specified in the category_id parameter. The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Walmart Product Data API GET HTTP request.
Category results are retrieved from the Category results page on Walmart.

For example, to request category results for the category_id of 5F9BB75E8BEE926724ADA8F8C0DAE926912E15A2 , the request would be:
The following parameters are available for all requests made when type=category .
Parameter | Required | Description |
category_id | required | A category ID to retrieve results from. You may supply any arbitary value in the category_id parameter however we recommend using a category ID returned from the Categories API as these are known-good category IDs from Walmart. In the case of the category_id parameter not matching a value from the Categories API , BlueCart will append the passed category_id value in the cat_id Walmart URL querystring parameter. |
sort_by | optional | Determines how the results are sorted. Valid values are:
delivery_type | optional | Determines whether results are filtered to just those matching the given delivery type. Valid values are:
rating | optional | Determines whether results are filtered to just those matching the given customer star rating. Valid values are:
condition | optional | Filters the results to just products matching the given condition. Valid values are:
min_price | optional | Determines the minimum price of results to return, expressed in dollars and cents (i.e. min_price=2.99 for $2.99). |
max_price | optional | Determines the maximum price of results to return, expressed in dollars and cents (i.e. min_price=39.99 for $39.99). |
page | optional | The current page of results to retrieve. Inspect the pagination results property for details on the number of pages available. |
max_page | optional | Use the max_page parameter to get multiple pages of results in one request. The API will automatically paginate through pages and concatenate the results into one response. See the Pagination docs for more information. |
facets | optional | A free-form set of filter facets to use with the request. Available facet data is returned from type=category requests or can be retrieved from any Walmart URL in the facet Walmart URL querystring parameter. Facet data should be expressed in comma seperated notation, with the name and value of the facet delimited by an equals ("=") character. For example, to set the brand facet to the value Garmin and the screen_size facet to the value 6" the value of the facets request parameter would be facets=brand=Garmin,screen_size=6" |
url | optional | The Walmart category results page to retrieve results from. Note : If the url parameter is supplied then all other parameters are ignored as they are overriden be those specified in the url parameter. |
Next Steps Category Results