Core API
Core Requests



Search Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=search Countdown API will return search results from the Ebay domain specified in the ebay_domain parameter.

Search results are retrieved from the search results page on Ebay.

Search Results Page
Search Results Page

An example of the JSON object returned from a Search request is shown below:


Countdown API returns the following properties for Search requests:






An array of Search Result objects, containing each of the product results shown on the Search Results page. The Search Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the result on the search results page.

  • title
  • string
  • The product name.

  • epid
  • string
  • The Ebay product ID (EPID) for the listing.

  • link
  • string
  • The product page link.

  • image
  • string
  • A link to the image of the product.

  • hotness
  • string
  • The value of the 'hotness' entry shown next to the product listing.

  • condition
  • string
  • The condition of the product in the listing.

  • is_auction
  • boolean
  • True/false indicating whether this is an auction-format listing.

  • buy_it_now
  • boolean
  • True/false indicating whether this listing offers a Buy-It-Now price.

  • free_returns
  • boolean
  • True/false indicating whether this listing offers free returns.

  • sponsored
  • boolean
  • True/false indicating whether this listing is sponsored (i.e. promoted).

  • best_offer_accepted
  • boolean
  • Set to true when the "Best Offer accepted" text is shown next to the search result.

  • best_offer
  • boolean
  • Set to true when the "Best Offer" text is shown next to the search result (different from best_offer_accepted in that just "Best Offer" is shown, not "Best Offer Accepted").

  • is_rewritten_result
  • boolean
  • Set to true when this search result appears beneath the "Results matching fewer words" banner (meaning the search result doesn't exactly match the search_term and has been suggested as an alternative). An example of the "Results matching fewer words banner is shown below. If you wish to exlude rewritten results use the allow_rewritten_results=false request parameter.

      Document image

  • item_location
  • string
  • The item location, if shown next to the search result.

  • rating
  • number
  • The overall rating of the product, out of 5.

  • ratings_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer ratings the product has received.

  • shipping_cost
  • number
  • A number describing the shipping cost of the item.

  • prices
  • array
  • Prices Array The prices array contains details about the products pricing, as shown underneath the product title. It is an array of price objects, the properties of which are described below:
      1. symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol, i.e. $ for USD.
      1. value
      2. number
      3. The price of the Offer.
      1. currency
      2. string
      3. The currency of the Offer as a ISO 4217 currency code.
      1. raw
      2. string
      3. The raw price as displayed on the Offer listing.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the price if applicable, for example "low" and "high" in the case of a range price. If the name property is empty then this price is the only price shown against the product.

  • ended
  • object
  • Ended Object An object describing how the listing ended, if shown. Typically displayed when the completed_items=true request parameter is used. The properties of the ended object are described below:
      1. type
      2. string
      3. Set to ended when the listing was shown as "Ended", set to sold when the listing was shown as "Sold". Can be used as an indicator of whether listing ended naturally, or resulted in a sale.

        Document image
      1. date
      2. object
      3. An object describing the date on which the listing ended naturally or was sold. Contains a string property raw containing the raw date string of the listing end as shown next to the search result.

  • seller_info
  • object
  • Seller Info Object An object with seller information retrieved from page.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. Name of ebay seller account.
      1. review_count
      2. number
      3. Total number of reviews.
      1. positive_feedback_percent
      2. number
      3. Percent of positive reviews for seller.

  • price
  • object
  • A price object representing the first item in the prices array. This is normally the "main" or "lowest" (in the case of a range) price for the product and is included as a convienience to make extracting the main price easier.



Facet Object An array containing details of any available search facets (refinements) shown on the search result page. You can use the facets returned here to refine your query by supplying facet information into the facets request parameter . Each object in the facets array contains the following properties:

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the facet (can be used in the facets request parameter).

  • display_name
  • string
  • The display name of the facet (i.e. the user-facing name).

  • values
  • array
  • Facet Values Array The facet values array shows the values of the given facet, along with the number of products matching that facet value.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The facet value, can be used in the facets request parameter.
      1. count
      2. number
      3. The count of the number of products that match this facet value in the current search results, if shown (omitted if not shown or zero).
      1. param_value
      2. string
      3. The example value of a subsequent requests facets parameter to filter the results to this facet value.



An object containing details of the current search results page and the total number of results that are available. To paginate you should specify the page number in your request's page parameter .

  • current_page
  • number
  • The current page number.

  • total_results
  • number
  • The total number of results available for the given search.

  • has_next_page
  • boolean
  • True / false as to whether a next page of search results is available.

  • next_page
  • number
  • The page number of the next page of results. Can be used in a subsequent type=search requests' page parameter to request search results from the next page.



An object containing details any spelling corrections or redirections applied to the search results.

  • original_search_term
  • string
  • Populated with the original search term.

  • did_you_mean
  • string
  • Populated with the "did you mean" spelling correction shown when a misspelled search_term is provided and Ebay has suggested a different search term but not automatically redirected to that search term.

  • did_you_mean_results_count
  • number
  • The estimated number of search results from the "did you mean" suggested search term.

  • spelling_correction
  • string
  • Populated with the search term Ebay automatically redirected the search results to in the case of the original search term not yielding any results.

Next Steps      Search Parameters

Updated 17 Aug 2024
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