Core API
Seller Data

Seller Feedback


Seller Feedback Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=seller_feedback Countdown API will return seller feedback results from the Ebay domain specified in the ebay_domain parameter.

Seller Feedback results are retrieved from the seller feedback results page on Ebay.

Seller Feedback Page
Seller Feedback Page

An example of the JSON object returned from a Seller Feedback request is shown below:


Countdown API returns the following properties for Seller Feedback requests:






An object containing details of the seller profile as-shown at the top of the seller feedback page.

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the seller.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the seller profile page.

  • member_since
  • string
  • A string representation of the date the seller joined Ebay.

  • feedback_score
  • number
  • The Ebay feedback score for the seller.

  • positive_ratings_percent
  • number
  • A percentage of all ratings that were positive.

  • location
  • string
  • The location of the seller.

  • image
  • string
  • A link to the image thumbnail for the product.

  • feedback_ratings
  • object
  • An object with 3 number properties, positive , neutral and negative showing the total number of positive, neutral and negative ratings received by the seller.

  • detailed_seller_ratings
  • array
  • Detailed Seller Ratings Array The detailed seller ratings property contains an array of detailed seller ratings objects containing details of the rating received for specific types of feedback. The detailed seller ratings object has the following properties:
      1. rating
      2. number
      3. The rating value (out of 5) of the detailed seller rating.
      1. ratings_total
      2. number
      3. The total number of ratings received.
      1. rating
      2. string
      3. The textual description of the detailed seller rating.



An array of Seller Feedback Result objects, containing the results shown on the Seller Feedback Results page. The Seller Feedback Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the result on the seller feedback results page.

  • feedback_id
  • string
  • The unique Ebay-assigned ID of this feedback. Can be used for deduplication.

  • body
  • string
  • The body text of the feedback.

  • date
  • string
  • A string representation of the date of the seller feedback.

  • type
  • string
  • The type of the feedback. Can be positive , neutral or negative .

  • star
  • string
  • The star type shown next to the user who left this feedback.

  • star_description
  • string
  • A textual description of the type of star shown.

Product Object The product object contains details of the product the feedback relates to.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the product.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the product.

  • epid
  • string
  • The Ebay product ID (EPID) for the product.

  • price
  • object
  • An object containing the price and currency of the product. The properties of the price object are symbol , currency , value and raw . Note the price object is only shown when the seller_feedback_type request parameter is set to seller_feedback_type=all or seller_feedback_type=received_as_seller

Buyer Object The buyer object contains details of the buyer who left the feedback and is shown when the seller_feedback_type request parameter is set to seller_feedback_type=all or seller_feedback_type=received_as_seller .

  • profile_id
  • string
  • The obfuscated user or profile ID of the Ebay buyer who left the feedback.

  • feedback_score
  • string
  • The feedback score of the buyer who left the feedback.

Seller Object The seller object contains details of the seller who left the feedback and is shown when the seller_feedback_type request parameter is set to seller_feedback_type=all or seller_feedback_type=received_as_buyer .

  • profile_id
  • string
  • The user or profile ID of the Ebay seller who left the feedback.

  • feedback_score
  • string
  • The feedback score of the seller who left the feedback.



An object containing details additional detail from the seller feedback page. The properties of the feedback_info object vary depending on the request's seller_feedback_type parameter .

  • bid_retractions
  • number
  • The number of bid retractions. Only shown when the seller_feedback_type request parameter is set to seller_feedback_type=received_as_buyer .

  • revised_feedback
  • number
  • The number of revised feedbacks. Only shown when the seller_feedback_type request parameter is set to seller_feedback_type=all or seller_feedback_type=received_as_seller .



An object containing details of the current Seller Feedback page and the total number of pages that are available. To paginate you should specify the page number in your request's page parameter .

  • current_page
  • number
  • The current page number.

  • total_pages
  • number
  • The total number of pages available.

  • total_results
  • number
  • The number of seller feedback results, for the current request parameters, that are available.

Next Steps      Seller Feedback Parameters

Updated 09 Aug 2024
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