
Product Updates


Product Updates

We're continuously updating Countdown API to add features and functionality, most of which are a direct result of requests from customers. See the latest updates below. Within the Countdown API Dashboard you can subscribe to be alerted via email when new updates are released.

July 2023

Update Type


Meet Our Newest API! 🎉

We’ve just launched Backyard API , our real-time Lowe’s product data API and companion to BigBox API for home improvement data . Let us know what you think of our newest addition or if you need any help. As always, you can try it out free!

June 2023

Update Type



Seller information is now returned for searches

A new property for Countdown Search parsing has been added. The property returns the name , review_count , and positive_feedback_percent for sellers.

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April 2023

Update Type


Business Update

As a result of significant growth, our infrastructure — namely the dynamic routing of traffic to accommodate high volume customers — has recently required updates. Reworking architecture patterns and proxy configurations has taken us a fair amount of time, which in turn has led to some slower customer issue resolution.

We'd like to assure you that we’ve identified and corrected the infrastructural shortcomings, and the outcome is a 50% increase in infrastructure and proxy capacity. We apologize for the potential business interruptions you may have experienced over the last couple months. Our aim is to earn your trust back and continue to support the realization of your business goals. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you require further information.

Feburary 2023

Update Type


New Feature

Help us choose our next API!

What should we build next?

Our product team values your feedback. If you'd like to, let us know your thoughts on which APIs to include on our roadmap.  Survey

August 2022

Update Type


New Feature

Ebay Deals pages returned by Countdown

A new response type has been added to Countdown to parse Ebay Deals pages.

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July 2022

Update Type



"make_offer" added to Product response

A new boolean make_offer has been added to the type=product response. This will be set to true when the Make Offer button is visible on the product listing page.

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June 2022

Update Type


New Feature

Support for custom S3-compatible object stores in Destinations

It's now possible to specify a custom S3 endpoint to have Destinations upload Result Sets to any S3 compatible object store.

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April 2022

Update Type


New Feature

Support for Netherlands and France added

Support has been added for the (Netherlands) and (France) domains.

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Feburary 2022

Update Type


New Feature

Ebay Autocomplete results

Countdown can now return Autocomplete results using the new type=autocomplete request.

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January 2022

Update Type


New Feature

Parts Compatibility when "type=product"

Countdown can now return "parts compatibility" data when the include_parts_compatability=true request parameter is set.

The parts compatibility properties are typically shown in the descriptive section of the Ebay product listing page - for example, a compatibility table showing the vehicle a particular part is compatible with (screenshot shown below).

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Master Product pages currently sold out indicator

When parsing type=product requests Countdown now returns a sold_out=true boolean when parsing a Master Product page that is "currently unavailable" on all selling channels (instead of the previous behaviour of returning an error).

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November 2021

Update Type



Select all CSV Fields

We have added Select All / Select None options to quickly select all CSV fields in the Collection editor and API Playground to make choosing CSV fields much quicker.

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September 2021

Update Type



Filter Collections by Last Run date

The Collections List API has been updated to allow sorting Collections by last_run date. You can also now filter the Collections by date using the last_run_before and last_run_after request parameters.

The Collections Dashboard has also been updated to show the Last Run date for each Collection.

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New Feature

Filter search requests using facets

A new facets parameter has been added to the type=search request. Facets allow you to specify search facets to limit your search requests by specific Ebay filters.

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August 2021

Update Type



Per-minute Collection scheduling improvements

The Per X Minutes Collection scheduling options have been extended to allow you to run Collections on a "Per X Minute" schedule restricted to specific hours of the day and days of the week or month.The schedule_hours , schedule_days_of_week and schedule_days_of_month can now be used with schedule_type=minutes Collections for additional flexibility.

This allows for scenarios such as "run this Collection every 5 minutes, between 9am and 5pm, on weekdays only".

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New Feature

Run Collections on a per-minute schedule

Collections can now be scheduled on a per-minute basis, in addition to the existing hourly, daily, weekly and monthly schedules.

Set schedule_type=minutes when creating your Collection and specify the per-minute schedule using the schedule_minutes parameter.Per-minute schedules of every minute up to every hour are supported.

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New Feature

Variants added to product/listing page response

A new variants array has been added to the Product/Listing page response showing the variants of the current product complete with price and stock status for each variant.

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New Feature

Account Balance added to Account API

The Account API has been updated to include your current Account Balance in the account_balance_usd property. Your Account Balance is used to settle any Overage charges (to avoid multiple small overage charges being made to your payment card). You can top up your Account Balance at any time on the Account page of the Dashboard.

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New Feature

Ended type (ended naturally or sold) and ended date added to Search results

A new object " ended " has been added to the type=search results to show whether a listing ended naturally or was sold. The date (if shown) that the listed ended naturally or was sold is shown also.

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Best Offer Accepted flag added to Search results

A new boolean property best_offer_accepted=true has been added to the type=search results schema. This property is set to true when the "Best Offer Accepted" text is shown alongside the search result.

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New parameter to exclude "results matching fewer words" in search results

A new allow_rewritten_results parameter (true/false) has been added to type=search requests. Set to true to exclude search results that appear beneath the "Results matching fewer words" banner (meaning the search result doesn't exactly match the search_term and has been suggested as an alternative).

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Best Offer Accepted flag added to Listing page results

A new boolean property has been added to the type=product (individual listing page) response to identify when a listing has had a Best Offer accepted.

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New Feature

New Collections API endpoint to Stop All queued and running Collections

The new Stop All Collections API endpoint allows you to stop all running and queued Collections on your account in one API call. Useful if you have accidentally started a large number of Collections and need a quick way to set them all back to idle . Read More

We started publishing Product Updates in June 2021, please refer to update emails for updates before this date.

Updated 17 Aug 2024
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