GET /request
The Bestsellers Parameters are applicable when making a request with type=bestsellers to retrieve Bestseller results from an Amazon bestsellers page - the bestsellers page is specified either using the category_id and amazon_domain parameters (where category_id is a Category ID returned from the Categories API, or by using the url parameter. The parameters should be appended as querystring parameters to the Product Data API GET HTTP request.
Note that, if using the url parameter it should be url-encoded.
Bestsellers results are retrieved from the bestsellers listing page on Amazon. Rainforest supports all types of Amazon Bestseller pages, bestsellers, new releases, movers & shakers, most wished for and gift ideas.

For example, to request Bestsellers results for the "Appliances" bestsellers page, using category_id=bestsellers_appliances on , the request would be:
The following parameters are available for all requests made when type=bestsellers .
Parameter | Required | Description |
category_id | optional | A category ID to retrieve bestsellers results from. You must supply a category_id returned from the Categories API in to the category_id parameter. |
amazon_domain | optional | The Amazon domain to retrieve bestsellers results from. For a full list of supported Amazon domains see Supported Amazon Domains . |
url | optional | The Amazon Bestsellesr results page URL to retrieve bestsellers results from. Note : The url parameter should be url-encoded. Note : Either the url or category_id & amazon_domain parameters can be used. |
top_free | optional | Set to true to retrieve the "Top 100 Free" version of the specified Bestsellers category_id or url . See screenshot below for how the Top 100 Paid / Top 100 Free bestsellers for a given category are displayed on the Amazon site.
Note: Not every Bestsellers category has a "Top 100 Free" list. |
page | optional | The current page of Bestsellers results to retrieve. Inspect the pagination.total_pages property in the Bestsellers results to see how many pages of Bestsellers results are available. |
max_page | optional | Use the max_page parameter to get multiple pages of results in one request. The API will automatically paginate through pages and concatenate the results into one response. See the Pagination docs for more information. |
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