Core APIs
Core Requests



Product Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=product Rainforest API will return product details for the product specified in either the asin and amazon_domain parameters or the url parameter.

Product details are retrieved from the product page for a single product on Amazon.

Buybox Winner Stock Estimation To get stock estimation for the buybox winning offer pass the buybox_winner.offer_id into a stock-estimation request.

Amazon Product Page
Amazon Product Page

An example of the JSON object returned from an Product request is shown below:


Rainforest API returns the following properties for Product requests:






An object containing details of the primary product shown on the product page.

  • title
  • string
  • The product name. Note that, in the case of the requested ASIN being a variant/child ASIN, the title will have the variant name appended and the unmodified title is available in the title_excluding_variant_name property.

  • asin
  • string
  • The Amazon product ID (ASIN) for the product.

  • parent_asin
  • string
  • The parent Amazon product ID (parent ASIN) for the product.

  • link
  • string
  • The product page link.

  • description
  • string
  • The text from the main product description block.

  • search_alias
  • object
  • An object containing title and value string properties describing the search alias title and value.

      Document image

  • promotions_feature
  • string
  • The text from the main product "promotions feature" block.

  • rich_product_description
  • array
  • Rich Product Description Array An array containing the "rich product description" sections typically found on premium beauty product pages. Each object in the rich_product_description array contains the following properties:

      Document image
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the rich product description section.
      1. description
      2. string
      3. The descriptive text of the rich product description section.

  • keywords
  • string
  • The SEO keywords associated with the product, extracted from the product page's meta tag.

  • keywords_list
  • array
  • An array of strings representing a parsed version of the keywords property.

  • authors
  • array
  • Authors Array The authors property contains the authors or artists of the product. Mainly applies to books, music and video products. The author object has the following properties:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the author or artist.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link to the author or artist on the Amazon domain, if present.

  • format
  • string
  • The format of the product, for example "Audio CD", if applicable.

  • runtime
  • string
  • The runtime of the product, for example "30 hrs and 18 mins", in the case of an Audible audio-book.

  • has_size_guide
  • boolean
  • Set to true when a size guide is shown on the product page.

      Document image

  • size_guide_html
  • string
  • If has_size_guide=true this property will contain the HTML of the size guide popup.

  • energy_efficiency
  • object
  • Energy Efficiency Object The energy efficiency object contains the EU energy efficiency rating for the product. If the efficiency rating tag is not present on the Amazon product page (see sample tag below), then Energy Class will be parsed from Amazon's product title. The energy efficiency object has the following properties:

      Document image
      1. rating
      2. string
      3. The EU Energy Efficiency rating of the product, i.e. "A". For more details see the EU commission website.
      1. rating_image
      2. string
      3. A link to the image of the EU Energy Efficiency label, if shown.
      1. product_fiche_image
      2. string
      3. A link to the image of the EU Energy Efficiency product fiche datasheet, if shown.

  • deal_badge
  • string
  • The Amazon Deal badge presented on the product page (if available) Normally these are added during Amazon Prime days or other promotional days.

  • protection_plans
  • object
  • Protection Plans Object The protection plans object is present when protection plans are shown in the buybox section of the product page.
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the protection plan.
      1. asin
      2. string
      3. The ASIN of the protection plan.
      1. price
      2. object
      3. An object representing the price and currency of the protection plan.

  • add_an_accessory
  • object
  • Add an Accessory Object The add-an-accessory object is present when the 'Add an Accessory' section is shown in the buybox section of the product page.
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the accessory.
      1. asin
      2. string
      3. The ASIN of the accessory.
      1. price
      2. object
      3. An object representing the price and currency of the accessory.

  • add_on_item
  • object
  • Add-On Item Object The add-on item object is present when the item is part of the Amazon 'add-on item' program. The property will be omitted if the product is not an add-on item.
      1. is_add_on_item
      2. boolean
      3. True/false indicating whether the product is an add-on item.

  • first_available
  • object
  • First Available Object The first available object contains date the product was first available on the Amazon domain.
      1. raw
      2. string
      3. The raw date as extracted from the Amazon product page.
      1. utc
      2. date
      3. The parsed date, in ISO 8601 format. If Rainforest API cannot parse the raw date then this property will be null.

  • is_collection
  • boolean
  • Set to true when this product is a Kindle series collection ( example ).

  • collection_size
  • number
  • The count of members of the Collection (i.e. the child ASINs displayed in the collection_children array).

  • collection_children
  • array
  • Collection Children Array The Collection Children property contains an array of the children of the collection (40 results max). Only shown when is_collection=true . Each member of the array has the following properties:
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the collection child ASIN.
      1. asin
      2. string
      3. The ASIN of the collection child.
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the child ASIN.

  • main_image
  • object
  • Main Image Object The main image object contains primary image shown when the product page was loaded.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the main image.

  • images
  • array
  • Images Array The images property contains an array of image objects containing the other available product images, excluding the main image. The image object has the following properties:
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the image.
      1. variant
      2. string
      3. A variant of the image, for example "MAIN" or "SIDE".

  • images_count
  • number
  • The number of product images shown on the product page.

  • images_flat
  • number
  • A comma-separated string containing all of the image URLs.

  • image_overlay_badge
  • object
  • Image Overlay Badge Object The image overlay badge property contains details of the overlay badge, if shown and not forming part of the original image bitmap. The image overlay badge object has the following properties:

      Document image
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the image containing the image overlay badge.
      1. raw
      2. string
      3. The raw image overlay badge name.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the image overlay badge - i.e. 3_pack.

  • videos
  • array
  • Videos Array The videos property contains an array of video objects containing videos of the product. The video object has the following properties:
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the video, if shown.
      1. group_id
      2. string
      3. The ID of the group of videos the current video belongs to.
      1. group_type
      2. string
      3. The full text group name of the group of videos that the current video belongs to. Possible values are videos_for_this_product and related_videos .
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the video thumbnail or video content (if available).
      1. duration_seconds
      2. string
      3. The duration of the video, in seconds.
      1. width
      2. string
      3. The width of the video, in pixels.
      1. height
      2. string
      3. The height of the video, in pixels.
      1. thumbnail
      2. string
      3. The link to the thumbnail of the video (only present if the link property is set to video content, rather than itself being a link to the video thumbnail).
      1. is_hero_video
      2. string
      3. Whether the video is flagged a being a "hero" video.
      1. variant
      2. string
      3. A variant of the video, for example "MAIN" or "SIDE".

  • videos_count
  • number
  • The number of product videos shown on the product page (this is the number of videos shown directly on the product page, not in any popup).

  • videos_flat
  • number
  • A comma-separated string containing all of the video URLs.

  • videos_additional
  • array
  • Additional Videos Array The videos property contains an array of additional_video objects containing additonal videos of the product from the section marked "Videos for this product" and "Videos for related products". The additional_video object has the following properties:
      1. id
      2. string
      3. The id of the video, if shown.
      1. product_asin
      2. string
      3. The ASIN of the product that the current video belongs to.
      1. parent_asin
      2. string
      3. The parent ASIN of the product that the current video belongs to.
      1. related_products
      2. string
      3. A list of ASINS this video applies to.
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the video.
      1. profile_name
      2. string
      3. The name of the profile from the video source.
      1. profile_image_url
      2. string
      3. The profile image from the video source.
      1. profile_link
      2. string
      3. The link to the profile of the video source.
      1. creator_type
      2. string
      3. The creator type of the video. Eg Influencer
      1. vendor_code
      2. string
      3. The code of the vendor that owns the video.
      1. vendor_name
      2. string
      3. The name of the vendor that owns the video.
      1. vendor_tracking_id
      2. string
      3. The vendors tracking id of the video
      1. video_image_id
      2. string
      3. The pysical image id of the video's thumbnail
      1. video_image_url
      2. string
      3. The url of the video's thumbnail
      1. video_image_width
      2. string
      3. The width of the video's thumbnail
      1. video_image_height
      2. string
      3. The height of the video's thumbnail
      1. video_image_extension
      2. string
      3. The file extension of the video's thumbnail
      1. video_url
      2. string
      3. The url of the video
      1. video_mime_type
      2. string
      3. The mime type of the video
      1. duration
      2. string
      3. The duration of the video
      1. type
      2. string
      3. The type of video. Either videos_for_this_product or videos_for_related_products

  • has_360_view
  • boolean
  • True/false depending on whether a 360-degree view is available for the product.

  • summarization_attributes
  • array
  • Summarization Attributes Array The summarization_attributes property contains an array of summarization attribute name/value pairs.

      Document image
    • The summarization attributes are displayed next to the product reviews and typically show the rating, out of 5, a product has received for a specific attribute, for example "value for money" or "durability". Note: The summarization_attributes property is only shown when the include_summarization_attributes=true request parameter is set.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the summarization attribute.
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the summarization attribute (typically a rating value out of 5).

  • customers_say
  • array
  • Customers Say Array The customers_say property contains an array of customers say objects.

      Document image
    • The "customers say" terms are shown above the customer reviews on the product page and allow the user to filter to reviews where customers say that term. You can achieve the same by issuing a type=reviews request passing the name from the customers_say field in the search_term parameter. Note: The customers_say property is only shown when the include_summarization_attributes=true request parameter is set.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name that customers say in reviews.
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the customers say attribute(Positive, Mixed, or Negative).

  • bestsellers_rank
  • array
  • Bestsellers Rank Array The bestsellers rank property contains an array of bestseller rank objects containing details of where the current product sits in bestseller rankings for particular product categories. The bestseller rank object has the following properties:
      1. rank
      2. number
      3. The bestseller rank within the category.
      1. category
      2. string
      3. The name of the bestseller category.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the bestseller category.

  • bestsellers_rank_flat
  • string
  • The bestsellers rank flat property contains the contents of the bestsellers rank array flattened into a string. This is useful when exporting data as CSV when you require all the bestsellers rank content in one field rather than split across multiple rows.

  • feature_bullets
  • array
  • The feature bullets property contains an array of strings representing the bullet-point features shown to the right of the main image, under the buybox.

  • feature_bullets_count
  • number
  • The number of feature bullets shown on the product page.

  • model_number
  • string
  • The model number of the product, extracted from the specifications array (if present).

  • feature_bullets_flat
  • string
  • The feature bullets flat property contains the contents of the feature bullets array flattened into a string. This is useful when exporting data as CSV when you require all the feature bullets content in one field rather than split across multiple rows.

  • sub_title
  • object
  • Subtitle Object The subtitle object contains details of the information shown in the subtitle directly underneath the product title.
      1. text
      2. string
      3. The text of the subtitle - typically the brand name of the product i.e. "Samsung".
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link of the subtitle - typically to the manufacturers page on the Amazon domain.

  • a_plus_content
  • object
  • A-Plus Content Object The a-plus content object contains details of the A-Plus content present on the product page.
      1. has_a_plus_content
      2. boolean
      3. True/false whether the product page has A-Plus Content, or not.
      1. has_brand_story
      2. boolean
      3. True/false whether the product page has A-Plus Brand Story content, or not. This is typically shown under the "From the brand" heading on the product page. When true the brand_story object is populated with details of the Brand Story.
      1. third_party
      2. boolean
      3. True/false Whether A-Plus Content is provided by a third party, or not.
      1. company_logo
      2. string
      3. The company logo image URL as shown in the A-Plus content.
      1. company_description_text
      2. string
      3. The company description text as shown in the A-Plus content.
      1. body
      2. string
      3. The HTML body of the A-Plus content. Only populated if the include_a_plus_body is set to true .
      1. all_images
      2. array
      3. An array of all of the images found within the A-Plus content. Contains an array of objects with link (the image URL) and name (the image alt-text) objects. Note the name property will only be populated where Amazon show an image alt text. You should not expect it to be populated for every result.
      1. body_text
      2. string
      3. The body of the A-Plus content, stripped of HTML tags to leave just the plain text. Only populated if the include_a_plus_body is set to true .
      1. brand_story
      2. object
      3. An object containing the details from the Brand Story section of the product page (typically under the heading "From the brand"). Details of the brand_story object are shown below.

  • A-Plus Content Brand Story Object When has_brand_story=true the brand_story object will be populated with details of the Brand Story. Typically the Brand Story is shown under the "From the brand" section of the product page.
      1. brand_logo
      2. string
      3. A link to the brand image, if shown.
      1. hero_image
      2. string
      3. A link to the hero (background) image, if shown.
      1. description
      2. string
      3. The brand description. if shown.
      1. brand_store
      2. object
      3. Present when a link to the product's Brand Store is shown Brand Story section of the product page. Has two properties id and link . Note you can pass into a Brand Store request's store_id parameter to retrieve the data from that Brand Store.
      1. images
      2. array
      3. An array of image urls to any background images shown on the cards within the Brand Story section, if present.
      1. faqs
      2. array
      3. An array of FAQ objects containing a title and body being the title and body content from each Brand Story FAQ, if present.
      1. products
      2. array
      3. An array of product objects containing a title , image , link and ASIN for each of the products shown in the Brand Story section, if present.

  • attributes
  • array
  • Attributes Array The attributes array contains details of the product attributes as shown underneath the product title.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the product attribute i.e. "Capacity".
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the product attribute i.e. "128 GB".

  • specifications
  • array
  • Specifications Array The specifications array contains details of the product specifications as shown in the specifications tables.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the specification i.e. "Batteries".
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the specification i.e. "2 AA Batteries".

  • specifications_flat
  • string
  • The specifications flat property contains the contents of the specifications array flattened into a string. This is useful when exporting data as CSV when you require all the specifications content in one field rather than split across multiple rows.

  • services
  • array
  • Services Array The services property contains an array of service objects containing details of the service (i.e. product installation, recycling). The service object has the following properties:
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the service i.e. "Include installation".
      1. price
      2. object
      3. A price object describing the price of the service.
      1. whats_included
      2. array
      3. A string array describing that the service includes.

  • has_coupon
  • boolean
  • Set to true if a coupon is available to apply to this product.

  • coupon_text
  • string
  • The text of the coupon, if shown. Only populated when has_coupon=true .

  • sell_on_amazon
  • boolean
  • Whether or not the "sell on Amazon" button is shown on the product page.

  • amazons_choice
  • object
  • Present when the "Amazon's Choice" badge is shown on the product page. Has two properties keywords and link .

  • brand_store
  • object
  • Present when a link to the product's Brand Store is shown on the product page. Has two properties id and link . Note you can pass into a Brand Store request's store_id parameter to retrieve the data from that Brand Store.

      Document image

  • bestseller_badge
  • object
  • Present when the "Bestseller" badge is shown on the product page. Has two properties link (a link to the Bestsellers listing page), category (the name of the bestseller category) and badge_text (the text shown in the bestseller badge)

      Document image

  • kindle_unlimited
  • boolean
  • Boolean indicating whether the "Kindle Unlimited" badge was shown on the product page.

  • book_description
  • string
  • The description of the book, if the ASIN being viewed is a book-type product.

  • audible_sample
  • string
  • A link to the Audible sample audio file, if the ASIN being viewed is a book, and has an Audible sample audio file.

  • read_sample
  • object
  • Read Sample Object The object identifies if a read sample is available for a book and the sample ASIN
      1. read_sample_exists
      2. boolean
      3. Set to true if a read sample is available on the product page.
      1. read_sample_asin
      2. string
      3. The read sample ASIN
      1. read_sample_link
      2. string
      3. Link to the read sample.

  • gift_guide_badge
  • object
  • Gift Guide Badge The object identifies if a gift guide badge is available for a book. Examples of gift guide badges are Teacher’s Pick, Children’s Book Tip, Editor’s Pick, Goodreads Choice.

      Document image
      1. text
      2. string
      3. The text presented on the badge.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the category listing page(if available).
      1. reading_age
      2. string
      3. Provides an indication of the suitable age range for readers of a specific book or sample ASIN (if available).

  • proposition_65_warning
  • boolean
  • Set to true when the California’s Proposition 65 warning is shown on the product page.

  • promotions
  • array
  • Promotions Array An array containing details of the promotions displayed with this product. Each object in the array contains the following properties:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the promotion, i.e. "$20 off with coupon".

  • categories
  • array
  • Categories Array An array containing details of the categories shown with this product. Note that Amazon products can exist in multiple categories. Each object in the array contains the following properties:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the category (i.e. "Toys & Games").
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link to the category.
      1. category_id
      2. string
      3. If shown, the category_id of the category. Can we used in a future type=category requests category_id request parameter to retrieve other products in this category.

  • documents
  • array
  • Documents Array An array containing details of the downloadable documents shown with this product, if present on the product page:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the document (i.e. "User Guide").
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A download link for hte document.

  • variants
  • array
  • Variants Array An array containing details of the product variants shown with this product. Each object in the array contains the following properties:
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the variant (i.e. "8 Pack").
      1. asin
      2. string
      3. The ASIN of the variant.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link to the variant's product page.
      1. price
      2. object
      3. A price object showing price and currency information for the variant. Only shown if the variant price is shown on the Product page.
      1. dimensions
      2. array
      3. The dimensions of the variant expressed an an array containing name and value string properties.
      1. format
      2. string
      3. The format of the variant, if shown.
      1. is_current_product
      2. boolean
      3. True / false depending on whether this variant ASIN is the main page ASIN.
      1. price_only_available_in_cart
      2. boolean
      3. True / false depending on whether this price for this variant is only shown in the Cart. When true you could consider a stock-estimation request to retrieve the price

  • variant_asins_flat
  • string
  • A comma seperated list of ASINs from the variants array, useful when using CSV output using output=csv where the nested variants array cannot be represented in CSV format.

  • editorial_reviews
  • array
  • Editorial Reviews Array An array containing details of the Editorial Reviews shown with this product. Each object in the array contains the following properties:
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the editorial review (optional, may not be present).
      1. body
      2. string
      3. The body text of the editorial review.

  • rating
  • number
  • The overall rating of the product, out of 5.

  • ratings_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer ratings the product has received.

  • rating_breakdown
  • object
  • An object containing the total number of customer ratings the product has received, per star rating.

  • reviews_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer reviews the product has received. May be the same as the value shown in ratings_total if Amazon do not break the ratings & reviews values seperately on the given product page. If the split between these values is required you should use a reviews request to retrieve data from the reviews page, where the split is shown.

  • top_reviews
  • array
  • An array of review objects containing the reviews shown on the product page under the "Top Reviews" heading. The review object has the same properties as-returned by a type=reviews reviews request . Note to return all reviews for a given product use the reviews request .

  • is_bundle
  • boolean
  • Set to true when this ASIN is part of a bundle. See the bundle_contents for details of the other ASINs included in the bundle. If is_bundle=false then you can inspect the bundles object to determine whether any bundles are offered containing this ASIN.

  • brand
  • string
  • The product brand name (if available).

  • weight
  • string
  • The product weight (if available).

  • dimensions