Core APIs
Customer Feedback

Review Comments


Review Comments Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=review_comments Rainforest API will return all Customer Review Comments for the Review ID specified using the review_id , asin and amazon_domain parameters.

Review comments are retrieved from the customer reviews page for a single customer review for a single product on Amazon.

Review Comments Section
Review Comments Section

An example of the JSON object returned from a Review Comments request is shown below:


Rainforest API returns the following properties for Review Comments requests:

Review Comments Count Rainforest can retrieve up to 100 review comments per request. For tracking new comments the most common approach is to run a type=review_comments request with sort_by=most_recent set, to ensure you always retrieve the latest review comments.






An array of Review Comment objects, containing each of the Customer Review Comments shown on against the specified Customer Review. The Review Comment object has the following properties:

  • id
  • string
  • The unique, Rainforest-generated, ID of the customer review comment. This can be used by your app to flag whether you have previously processed this review comment on a prior request.

  • body
  • string
  • The body text of the review comment.

Date Object The date object contains details about the date of the review comment.

  • raw
  • string
  • The raw date as retrieved from the Amazon page.

  • utc
  • string
  • The date of the review comment, parsed from the raw date, in ISO 8601 format. If Rainforest API cannot parse the raw date then this property will be null.

Profile Object The profile object contains details of the profile of the review comment author.

  • name
  • string
  • The review comment authors' profile name.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the review comment authors' profile page on the Amazon domain.

  • id
  • string
  • The review comment authors' profile ID. Can be specified as a request parameter to a type=reviewer_profile request to view this authors public Amazon profile.

Next Steps      Review Comments Parameters

Updated 12 Aug 2024
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