List Searches
You can List the Searches for a Batch by making making a HTTP GET request to the /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE endpoint (where BATCH_ID is the id of the Batch to get Searches for, and PAGE is the page of Searches to get).
The /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE endpoint returns the Searches for a Batch in pages of 1000 Searches per page. Pages start at 1 . You can find out how many pages a Batch has by inspecting the searches_page_count field returned from the Get Batch endpoint.
Scale SERP also provides two more endpoints to allow you to retrieve a download link for all Searches in a Batch, in either JSON or CSV format.
GET /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE
In the example below we List page 1 of the Searches for the Batch with id=123456 :
Scale SERP responds with the following JSON showing all the Searches on page 1 of the Batch:
GET /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/json
In the example below we retrieve download links for all Searches for Batch with id=123456 in JSON format:
Scale SERP responds with the following JSON detailing the total number of Searches searches_total_count , the total number of pages searches_page_count and a JSON file download_link for each page:
GET /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/csv
In the example below we retrieve download links for all Searches for Batch with id=123456 in CSV format:
Scale SERP responds with the following JSON detailing the total number of Searches searches_total_count , the total number of pages searches_page_count and a CSV file download_link for each page:
Next Steps Listing Result Sets Getting Result Sets