Batches API

Update Search


Update Search

Searches within a Batch can be updated by making an HTTP PUT to the /batches/BATCH_ID/SEARCH_ID endpoint (where SEARCH_ID is the id of the Search and BATCH_ID is the id of the Batch the Search belongs to). The body can be either x-www-form-urlencoded parameters or a JSON object.

The parameters for updating a Search are the same as those used when making a call via the Search API.

Batch Status Searches can only be updated when the Batch they belong to is not running. To check whether a Batch is currently running use the Get Batch endpoint.

Updating Multiple Searches You should make calls to the Update Search endpoint sequentially, rather than in parallel, as it is designed to update Searches one by one. If you make too many concurrent calls you will receive an HTTP 429 error. For mass-update operations consider deleting and re-creating the Batch as this is typically quicker.



In the example below we update a Search with id=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP within a Batch with id=123456 .


Scale SERP responds with a JSON object containing details of the Search fields that have been updated:


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