Core APIs
Shopping & Products

Online Sellers


Google Product Online Sellers Results


The Google Product Online Sellers results are returned when making a request with search_type=product and product_type=sellers_online to retrieve product online sellers results for a given product ID. The product ID is specified in the product_id parameter and you should also specify a location parameter to geo-locate the request (locations can be retrieved via the Locations API).

Google Product IDs are returned by Google Shopping search requests.

Google Product Online Sellers Results
Google Product Online Sellers Results

Below is an example of how product online sellers results are represented in the Scale SERP result JSON:


Scale SERP returns the following properties for search_type=product and product_type=sellers_online requests:






  • product_id
  • string
  • The product ID.

  • sellers_online
  • array
  • Sellers Online Array An array of objects containing the online sellers for this product.
      1. position
      2. string
      3. The position of the online seller offer on the current page.
      1. merchant
      2. string
      3. The merchant name of the merchant.
      1. merchant_rating
      2. number
      3. The merchant rating, out of 5.
      1. merchant_reviews
      2. number
      3. The number of reviews this merchant has received.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the website of the merchant, note that this is typically shown as a tracking link (instead of a direct link to the merchant website).
      1. base_price_raw
      2. string
      3. The raw base price string as shown next to the seller offer. The base price is typically the price before shipping and tax.
      1. base_price_parsed
      2. object
      3. An object showing the parsed base price. Parsing is locale-specific and may not be universal or available across all locales. Contains the following properties: currency (the 3-letter currency code), symbol (the currency symbol), value (the parsed number-value of the price), raw (the raw string representation of the price).
      1. shipping_price_raw
      2. string
      3. The raw shipping price string as shown next to the seller offer.
      1. shipping_price_parsed
      2. object
      3. An object showing the parsed shipping price.
      1. tax_price_raw
      2. string
      3. The raw tax price string as shown next to the seller offer.
      1. tax_price_parsed
      2. object
      3. An object showing the parsed tax price.
      1. total_price_raw
      2. string
      3. The raw total price string as shown next to the seller offer.
      1. total_price_parsed
      2. object
      3. An object showing the parsed total price.

Updated 13 Aug 2024
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