Core APIs
Core Requests



Google Search Results


Scale SERP parses regular Google web search results when the search_type parameter is omitted.

Google Search Results
Google Search Results

Below is an example of how the Google Search results are represented in the Scale SERP result JSON. Note that the example below is fictitious as there are too many different sections to the Google Search result to be included in one response:


Scale SERP returns the following properties for search requests:






An array of Organic Result objects, containing each of the organic results returned. The Organic Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the organic result on the current page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the organic result.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the organic result.

  • domain
  • string
  • The domain of the link to the organic result.

  • cached_page_link
  • string
  • A link to the Google web cache for this organic result, if shown.

  • displayed_link
  • string
  • The displayed (visual) link shown next to the organic result.

  • snippet
  • string
  • The snippet text of the organic result.

  • date
  • string
  • The raw date, if shown, of the organic result.

  • date_utc
  • string
  • The parsed date, in ISO 8601 format, of the organic result. Note that date parsing relies on the API being able to successfully parse the date and isn't guaranteed in all locales.

  • about_this_result
  • object
  • The about_this_result property contains details from the About This Result popup for this organic result.

      Document image
      1. source
      2. object
      3. An object containing link , link and link string properties showing the website source detail from the About This Result popup.
      1. connection_secure
      2. object
      3. An object containing parsed boolean property which will be set to true when Google reports that the connection to this site is secure in the About This Result popup. Also contains a raw string property being the raw text shown.

  • rich_snippets
  • object
  • Rich Snippets Object An object containing the rich snippets shown under the organic search result: not present in mobile

      Document image
      1. top
      2. object
      3. An object containing a extensions string-array property containing the raw rich snippet extensions, a detected_extensions object showing any strongly-parsed known extensions (such as rating, reviews, price etc) and a attributes array containing name / value pairs for each of the attributes shown under the main rich snippet section.

  • sitelinks
  • object
  • Sitelinks Object An object containing the sitelinks shown next to the organic search result: not present in mobile

      Document image
      1. inline
      2. array
      3. An array of objects containing title and link properties being the title and link of the inline sitelink.
      1. expanded
      2. array
      3. An array of objects containing title , snippet (if shown) and link properties being the title and link of the expanded sitelink.

  • nested_results
  • array
  • An array of nested results listed indented under the main organic result, sometimes used by Google to display results from a subdomain of the main result.



An array of Ads objects, containing each of the sponsored ads shown on the Google SERP. The Ad object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the ad result within the ads on the current page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the ad.

  • tracking_link
  • string
  • The tracking link that is followed when the Ad is clicked.

  • displayed_link
  • string
  • The displayed (visual) link shown in the ad.

  • description
  • string
  • The descriptive text of the ad.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the ad, relative to other page features shown.

  • relative_block_position
  • string
  • Can be set to top or bottom .



An object containing details of the "featured snippet" or "answer box" section of the SERP page.

Note if you set the include_answer_box=true request parameter then the link from the answer_box will be included at the start of the organic_results array. This is useful if you consider the answer box to contain the first "organic" result.


    Document image

  • answers
  • array
  • Answers Array An array containing the answers shown in the answer box section:
      1. answer
      2. string
      3. The text of the answer, if shown.
      1. rows
      2. array
      3. An array of strings containing the answers as rows where Google present the answers in a list.
      1. source
      2. object
      3. An object containing the source of the answer provided in the answer box. If the include_answer_box=true request parameter is set then the link provided in the source object is inserted as the first result in the organic_results array. The source object contains the following properties: link , displayed_link and title .

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the answer box, relative to other page features shown.

  • answer_box_type
  • number
  • A dynamically generated ID for the type of answer box shown, not that this ID is temporal and may change as new answer box types are found.



An object containing details of the "knowledge graph" section to the side of the SERP page.


    Document image

  • id
  • string
  • The knowledge graph ID, if shown. Can be used in the knowledge_graph_id request parameter to prompt this knowledge graph to display.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the knowledge graph.

  • website
  • string
  • The website URL of the entity described in the knowledge graph.

  • type
  • string
  • The type of the knowledge graph.

  • description
  • string
  • The description of the knowledge graph.

  • source
  • object
  • An object containing name and link properties describing the source of the knowledge graph.

  • images
  • string
  • The thumbnail image of the top story result, either returned as a URL to the image, or as a Base64-encoded image string.

  • profiles
  • array
  • An array of objects containing a name and link property being the name and link to the social profile for the entity described in the knowledge graph.

  • people_also_search_for
  • array
  • An array of objects containing a name and link property being the name and link to "people also search for" data for the entity described in the knowledge graph.

  • known_attributes
  • array
  • An array of attributes from the knowledge graph.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the knowledge graph, relative to other page features shown.

  • details
  • string
  • Hotel details.

  • amenities
  • array
  • An array of hotel amenities.

  • hours
  • array
  • An array of hours.

  • opening_hours
  • object
  • An object with additional parsing for hours.



An object containing details of the "search refinement" section at the top of the SERP page.


    Document image

  • items
  • array
  • Items Array An array containing the items in the search refinement:
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title text of the search refinement item, if shown.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link of the search refinement item, if shown.
      1. block_position
      2. number
      3. The position of the search refinement item, relative to other page features shown.



An object containing details of the map displayed in the local results section of the Google SERP page.


    Document image

  • link
  • string
  • An link to a Google Places page for the locality.

  • gps_coordinates
  • object
  • An object representing the GPS coordinates of the local map, contains latitude , longitude and elevation number properties.

  • image
  • string
  • An image URL link, or Base-64 encoded image data, to the map image shown above the local results.



An array of Local Result objects containing details of the local results shown under the local map on the Google SERP page.


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the local result in the local_results array.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the local result, typically the business name.

  • address
  • string
  • The address of the local result, if shown.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the local result business website, if shown.

  • data_cid
  • string
  • The cid of the place result. A CID is a unique identifier Google assigns to a specific businesses entity. Read more about Google cid 's here . Note The data_cid is used as a request parameter in Place Details and Place Products requests.

  • gps_coordinates
  • object
  • An object representing the GPS coordinates of the local result, contains latitude and longitude number properties.

  • price
  • string
  • A locale-specific string (i.e. "$$$") indicating the relative price of services offered by the business.

  • price_parsed
  • number
  • A numeric representation of the relative price of services offered by the business, ranging from 1 (inexpensive) to 5 (expensive).

  • price_description
  • string
  • A text representation of the relative price of services offered by the business, if shown. For example 'Inexpensive'.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating the place has received, out of 5.

  • reviews
  • number
  • The number of customer reviews the place has received.

  • extensions
  • array
  • An array of strings being the extensions/services offered by the business, i.e. "Offers takeaway". not present in mobile

  • block_position
  • number
  • The relative position of this local result on the Google SERP page relative to other SERP features.



An array of Shopping Graph arrays representing the shopping elements on a page, if shown. A Shopping Graph object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the shopping element within the given shopping graph.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the shopping element.

  • price
  • string
  • The price of the shopping element.

  • price_parsed
  • object
  • Price Parsed Object An object containing a parsed version of the item price.
      1. symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol, i.e. $ for USD.
      1. value
      2. number
      3. The price of the shopping item.

  • rating
  • number
  • The rating assigned to the shopping element, if available.

  • reviews
  • number
  • The reviews count given to the shopping element, if available.

  • image
  • string
  • The image of the shopping element, either returned as a URL to the image, or as a Base64-encoded image string.

  • stores_that_sell
  • string
  • The string on shopping element telling what stores cary the product, if available.



An array of Top Story objects representing the "top stories" horizontally-scrolling carousel section, if shown. The Top Story object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the top story result.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the top story result.

  • visible_initially
  • boolean
  • true if the top story is visible on page load, false if the top story requires a horizontal scroll of the Top Stories carousel for it to come in to view.

  • source
  • string
  • The source / publication name of the top story.

  • date
  • string
  • The raw date, if shown, of the news result.

  • date_utc
  • string
  • The parsed date, in ISO 8601 format, of the news result. Note that date parsing relies on the API being able to successfully parse the date and isn't guaranteed in all locales.

  • thumbnail
  • string
  • The thumbnail image of the top story result, either returned as a URL to the image, or as a Base64-encoded image string.

  • video
  • boolean
  • true when the top story is video format and false when not.

  • live
  • boolean
  • true when the top story is live video and false when not.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the top story carousel, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Inline Tweet objects, containing each of the inline tweets shown on the Google SERP. The Inline Tweet object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the inline tweet.

  • link
  • string
  • The main tweet link shown - either to the tweet itself or the author.

  • status_link
  • string
  • A link to the tweet itself (as opposed to the author), if shown.

  • snippet
  • string
  • The inline tweet snippet text.

  • date
  • string
  • The raw date, if shown, of the inline tweet result.

  • date_utc
  • string
  • The parsed date, in ISO 8601 format, of the inline tweet result. Note that date parsing relies on the API being able to successfully parse the date and isn't guaranteed in all locales.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline tweet, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Inline Recipe objects, containing each of the inline recipes shown on the Google SERP. The Inline Recipe object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the inline recipe.

  • link
  • string
  • The link to the recipe on the target website.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating of the recipe, if shown, out of 5.

  • reviews
  • number
  • The number of customer reviews the inline recipe has received.

  • ingredients
  • array
  • An array of strings containing the ingredients in the recipe, if shown.

  • source
  • string
  • The name of the website on which the recipe is located.

  • total_time
  • string
  • The free-text description of the time taken to prepare the recipe.

  • image
  • string
  • A Base 64-encoded image showing the thumbnail image of the recipe.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline recipe, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Inline Video objects, containing each of the inline videos shown on the Google SERP. The Inline Video object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the inline video within the inline videos section of the search results page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the inline video.

  • length
  • string
  • The runtime/length of the inline video, if shown, expressed in the form hours.minutes.seconds .

  • source
  • string
  • The source name of the inline video.

  • date
  • string
  • The raw date, if shown, of the inline video result.

  • date_utc
  • string
  • The parsed date, in ISO 8601 format, of the inline video result. Note that date parsing relies on the API being able to successfully parse the date and isn't guaranteed in all locales.

  • link
  • string
  • The link navigated to when the inline video is clicked.

  • key_moments
  • array
  • An array of objects describing the Key Moments in the inline video. Each key moment object contains link , time and text string properties.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline video, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Inline Image objects, containing each of the inline images shown on the Google SERP. The Inline Images object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the inline image.

  • image
  • string
  • An image URL, or Base 64 encoded image data, of the inline image.

  • link
  • string
  • The link navigated to when the inline image is clicked.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline image, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Inline Shopping objects, containing each of the inline shopping items shown on the Google SERP. The Inline Shopping object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • link
  • string
  • The link followed when the inline shopping item is clicked.

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the inline shopping product.

  • string
  • The raw text price of the inline shopping item.

  • merchant
  • string
  • The name of the merchant.

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the inline shopping item within the inline shopping section of the search results page.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline shopping item

  • relative_block_position
  • string
  • block_position can be either top or bottom .

  • visible_initially
  • boolean
  • Set to false when the inline shopping item is not visible on initial page load, and requires a horizontal scroll to bring in to view.

  • image
  • string
  • An image URL, or Base 64 encoded image data, of the inline shopping item image.

  • price_parsed
  • object
  • Price Parsed Object An object containing a parsed version of the inline shopping item price.
      1. symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol, i.e. $ for USD.
      1. value
      2. number
      3. The price of the inline shopping item.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating of the inline shopping item, out of 5.

  • feed_name
  • string
  • The feed name, if shown.

  • feed_link
  • array
  • The link to the feed.



An array of Explore Brands objects, containing each of the explore brands items shown on the Google SERP. The Explore Brands object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The brand name.

  • description
  • string
  • The descriptive text for the brand's product.

  • link
  • string
  • The link to the brand's product.

  • image
  • string
  • The image of the brand's product, either returned as a URL to the image, or as a Base64-encoded image string.

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the brand within the explore brands element.



An array of Discussions and Forums items, containing each of the results returned. The Discussions and Forums object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • discussion_title
  • string
  • The title of the discussions and forums item.

  • link
  • string
  • The link to the source of discussions and forums item.

  • source
  • object
  • An object describing the source, typically the site that the discussions and forums item was returned from. Contains source_title , domain , source_community , comments_count and time string properties, if shown.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the Discussions and Forums, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Local Service Ads objects, containing each of the local service ads items shown on the Google SERP. The Local Service Ad object has the following properties:

not present in mobile


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the local service ad within the local service ads section of the search results page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the local service ad.

  • link
  • string
  • The link followed when the local service ad is clicked.

  • is_google_guaranteed
  • boolean
  • Set to true when the "Google Guaranteed" badge is shown next to the local service ad.

  • extensions
  • array
  • An array of strings representing the local service ad extensions.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating of local service ad, out of 5.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the local_service_ad relative to other page features shown.

  • relative_block_position
  • string
  • Can be either top or bottom .



An array of the Questions & Answers objects, containing each of the results returned. The Questions & Answers object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • question
  • string
  • The text of the question.

  • answer
  • string
  • The text of the answer from the source.

  • source
  • object
  • An object describing the source (typically the site that the question and answer was returned from) of the question & answer, if shown. Contains link , domain and title string properties.

  • votes
  • object
  • The number of votes counted for the answer.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of Question & answers, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Related Question objects, containing each of the related questions shown on the search results page - typically under the People also ask subheading. The Related Question object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • question
  • string
  • The text of the related question.

  • answer
  • string
  • The text of the related question answer.

  • answer_list
  • array
  • An array of strings where a list is presented in the related question answer.

  • source
  • object
  • An object describing the source (typically the site that the related question was returned from) of the related question, if shown. Contains link , displayed_link and title string properties.

  • search
  • object
  • An object describing the Google search that this related question links to, if shown. Contains link string property (being the Google search URL). not present in mobile

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the related question, relative to other page features shown.



An array of Related Search objects, containing each of the related searches shown at the bottom of the search results page. The Related Search object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • query
  • string
  • The keywords / search term of the related search.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the Google search URL for the related search.



An array of Scholarly Articles objects, containing each of the links from the scholarly articles shown at the top of the search results page (if present). The Scholarly Article object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the scholarly article..

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the article on Google Scholar.

  • cited_by_count
  • number
  • A cite-count for the Google Scholar article.

  • author
  • string
  • A author of the Google Scholar article as-shown next to the result.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the scholarly article result, relative to other page features shown.



An object containing details of the film returned by the search query, if the search query was for a film:


    Document image

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the film.

  • subtitle
  • string
  • The subtitle of the film.

  • year
  • string
  • The release year of the film, if shown.

  • genre
  • string
  • The genre of the film, if shown.

  • length
  • string
  • The length of the film, if shown.

  • cast
  • array
  • An array of objects representing the cast members of the film. Each object in the array contains actor , character , link and image properties.

  • services
  • array
  • An array of objects representing the video-on-demand services providing this film. Each object in the array contains price (optional), link , title and link properties.

  • reviews
  • array
  • An array of objects representing the reviews this film. Each object in the array contains rating , source , description and link properties.



Set to true if the AI Overview is generated on the search page results.



An object containing details of the pagination section of the page. Details are provided as Google links and API links (to make sending paginated requests easier):

  • current
  • number
  • The current page number, if shown.

  • next
  • string
  • The Google URL of the next page of results.

  • other_pages
  • object
  • An object containing details of the other pages shown on the results page. The object is keyed by the other page number, with the value being the Google URL to the page.

  • api_pagination
  • object
  • An object containing API links to request the next pages of results. Provided as a convenience to allow you to run subsequent requests for additional pages. Contains a next and other_pages property.



An array of local results specifically for hotels.


    Document image

  • name
  • string
  • The title of the category

  • data_key
  • string
  • A description

  • rating
  • number
  • The rating assigned to the hotel, if available. Out of 5

  • reviews
  • number
  • The reviews count given to the product element, if available.

  • price
  • string
  • The raw text price shown for the top product

  • snippet
  • string
  • The snippet text of the hotel

  • type
  • string
  • hotel star rating, if available. Out of 5

  • amenities
  • array
  • an array of hotel amenities

  • deal
  • array
  • Items Array An array containing the items in the deal array:
      1. badget_text
      2. string
      3. The displayed badge
      1. text
      2. string
      3. The deal

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the hotel within the list.

  • block_position
  • number
  • The position of the inline_hotels to know result, relative to other page features shown.

Next Steps      Google Search Parameters

Updated 22 Oct 2024
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