Batches API

Find Searches


Find Searches

You can Find (or search) the Searches in a Batch by making making a HTTP GET request to the /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE?q=XYZ endpoint (where BATCH_ID is the id of the Batch to get Searches for, PAGE is the page of matching Searches to get and the q querystring parameter is the search term to search for).

This endpoint is particuarly useful if you are allowing your users to modify the Searches within Batches on your UI as you can allow them to search through all of the Searches in the Batch to find the one they'd like to modify.

Concurrency when Finding Searches You should make calls to the Find Search endpoint sequentially, rather than in parallel. If you make too many concurrent calls you will receive an HTTP 429 error.


GET /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE?q=XYZ

In the example below we return page 1 of the Searches from the Batch with id=123456 that match the search term test (note the search term is specified using the "q" querystring parameter):

Searching by Custom IDs SerpWow will look for the q parameter in the Search and in the custom_id (if any) you assigned to the Search. This way it's easy to find Searches using the custom_id from your app.


SerpWow responds with the following JSON showing all the Searches on page 1 of the Batch:


Finding by Custom ID

GET /batches/BATCH_ID/searches/PAGE?custom_id=XYZ

In the example below we return page 1 of the Searches from Batch with custom_id=123456 . This is useful for keeping track of Searches and referencing them by the ID you passed into the custom_id field.


SerpWow responds with the following JSON showing all the Searches matching the passed custom_id :