Core APIs
Search API

Google Trends Geos


Google Trends Geos

SerpWow allows you to query Google Trends (i.e. search_type=trends ) using a specific Google Trends Geos using the trends_geos search search parameter. Google Trends Geos are typically two letter country codes, but can include other information to specify a geo/location at a more granular level - i.e. city, province, state etc. We provide below a downloadable list of all of the available Google Trends Geos.

Below is an example of how to specify a Google Trends Geo in a Search API Request. Here we are searching for the term pizza within the Geo Central Denmark Region ( trends_geo=DK-82 ).


Download Google Trends Geos

You can download a full list of all the SerpWow Google Trends Geos in JSON and CSV format below: