Core APIs
Core Requests



Google Scholar Results


SerpWow parses the Google scholar search results the scholar_results array in the JSON output when the search_type=scholar search parameter is set.

Google Image Results
Google Image Results

Below is an example of how the scholar_results array is represented in the SerpWow result JSON:


SerpWow returns the following properties for search_type=scholar requests:






An array of Scholar Result objects, containing each of the scholar results returned. The Scholar Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the scholar result on the current page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the scholar result.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the scholar result.

  • domain
  • string
  • The domain of the link to the scholar result.

  • displayed_link
  • string
  • The displayed (visual) link shown next to the scholar result.

  • snippet
  • string
  • The snippet text of the scholar result.

  • cited_by_count
  • number
  • The number of Cites the result has received.

      Document image

  • cited_by_link
  • string
  • A Google link to the Cited By results.

  • pdf_link
  • string
  • A link to the PDF if shown with the result.

  • versions_count
  • number
  • The number of Versions the result has.

      Document image

  • versions_link
  • string
  • A Google link to the Versions results.



An object containing details of the pagination section of the page. Details are provided as Google links and API links (to make sending paginated requests easier):

  • current
  • number
  • The current page number, if shown.

  • next
  • string
  • The Google URL of the next page of results.

  • other_pages
  • object
  • An object containing details of the other pages shown on the results page. The object is keyed by the other page number, with the value being the Google URL to the page.

  • api_pagination
  • object
  • An object containing API links to request the next pages of results. Provided as a convenience to allow you to run subsequent requests for additional pages. Contains a next and other_pages property.



An array of Related Search objects, containing each of the related searches shown at the bottom of the search results page. The Related Search object has the following properties:


    Document image

  • query
  • string
  • The keywords / search term of the related search.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the Google search URL for the related search.

Next Steps      Google Scholar Parameters

Updated 15 Aug 2024
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