GET /search?engine=bing&search_type=news
The Bing News Parameters are applicable when making a request with engine=bing and search_type=news to retrieve Bing News results for a given search term. The search term is specified in the q parameter and the optional country_code parameter can be used to specify Bing country to use.
Setting Location for Bing requests The recommended way of setting the location of your Bing request is to use the location parameter. The location parameter can be populated with a full_name value returned by the Locations API.
You may also use either the market_code or country_code parameters to set the location of your request, but the recommended approach is to use the location parameter as this sets all the required prerequisites to achieve a correctly geo-located result.

For example, to request Bing News results for the keyword pizza in country_code=us , the request would be:
The following parameters are available for all requests made when engine=bing and search_type=news .
Parameter | Required | Description |
engine | required | Should be set to engine=bing . |
search_type | required | Should be set to search_type=news . |
q | required | The keyword you want to use to perform the News search. |
location | optional | Determines the geographic location in which the query is executed. You must enter a full_name value from the SerpWow Locations API , for example location=Richmond+County,New+York,United+States (where Richmond+County,New+York,United+States is the full_name as-returned by the Locations API ). Note the location parameter is the recommended way of setting the location of your Bing request. |
market_code | optional | The market_code parameter determines the Bing-defined market to show results from. This is typically the country in which the user is making requests. View the full list of supported Bing market_code values here . Note the market_code parameter cannot be used in combination with the country_code parameter. |
country_code | optional | The country_code parameter determines the country to show results from (if market_code is not specified). View the full list of supported Bing country_code values here . Note it is recommended that the market_code parameter be used instead of country_code . The country_code parameter cannot be used in combination with the market_code parameter. |
bing_language | optional | The bing_language parameter determines the Bing UI language to return results. View the full list of supported bing_language values here . Defaults to en . |
Next Steps Bing News Results