GET /search?engine=google&search_type=product&product_type=reviews
The Google Product Reviews Parameters are applicable when making a request with search_type=product and product_type=reviews to retrieve product reviews results for a given product ID. The product ID is specified in the product_id parameter and you should also specify a location parameter to geo-locate the request (locations can be retrieved via the Locations API).
Google Product IDs are returned by Google Shopping search requests.
Products & Location Google Product pages are highly location-sensitive so it is important that you specify a location that matches the location that was used to retrieve the product_id in the original Google Shopping search request.
Place Reviews Pagination Product Reviews results do not contain a traditional pagination section where a specific page of results is uniquely addressable. Instead, each product_type=reviews result will return a next_page_token in its' product_results.pagination object. This next_page_token can be passed in to the next_page_token request parameter to retrieve the next page of Product Reviews results.

For example, to request product reviews results for the product ID 13244508647295616715 in the location United States , the request would be:
The following parameters are available for all requests made when search_type=product and product_type=reviews .
Parameter | Required | Description |
engine | required | Should be set to engine=google . |
search_type | required | Should be set to search_type=product . |
product_type | required | Should be set to product_type=reviews . |
product_id | required | The Google Product ID to retrieve. Google Product IDs are returned by Google Shopping search requests. |
sort_by | optional | Sets the sort ordering of the product reviews returned. Valid values are:
location | optional | Determines the geographic location in which the query is executed. You can enter any location as free-text, but if you choose one of the SerpWow built-in locations then the google_domain , gl and hl parameters are automatically updated to the domain, country and language that match the built-in location (note that this behaviour can be disabled via the location_auto parameter). |
location_auto | optional | If the location field is set to a SerpWow built-in location from the Locations API , and location_auto is set to true (default) then the google_domain , gl and hl parameters are automatically updated to the domain, country and language that match the built-in location. Valid values are true (default) to enable this behaviour or false to disable. |
uule | optional | The Google UULE parameter - use to pass through a custom uule parameter to Google. SerpWow automatically generates the uule when you use the location parameter but we allow you to overwrite it directly by specifying a uule directly. |
google_domain | optional | The Google domain to use to run the search query. View the full list of supported google_domain values here . Defaults to . |
gl | optional | The gl parameter determines the Google country to use for the query. View the full list of supported gl values here . Defaults to us . |
hl | optional | The hl parameter determines the Google UI language to return results. View the full list of supported hl values here . Defaults to en . |
next_page_token | optional | Product Reviews results do not contain a traditional pagination section where a specific page of results is uniquely addressable. Instead, each product_type=reviews result will return a next_page_token in its' product_results.pagination object. This next_page_token can be passed in to the next_page_token request parameter to retrieve the next page of Product Reviews results. |
Next Steps Google Product Reviews Results