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605 "source":
606 {
607 "link": "https://towardsdatascience.com/top-10-databases-to-use-in-2021-d7e6a85402ba",
608 "title": "Top 10 Databases to Use in 2021. MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL",
609 "displayed_link": "https://towardsdatascience.com › top-10-databases-to-use-i..."
610 },
611 "answer": "Top 10 Databases to Use in 2021. MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL"
612 }
613 ],
614 "block_position": 1
615 },
616 "courses":
617 [
618 {
619 "items":
620 [
621 {
622 "title": "English for Career Development",
623 "platform": "University of Pennsylvania via Coursera",
624 "link": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/careerdevelopment",
625 "domain": "coursera.org",
626 "rating": "4.8",
627 "reviews": 15759,
628 "pricing_model": "Free",
629 "duration": "40 hours",
630 "description": "Welcome to English for Career Development, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select \"Full Course. No certificate.\" This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in advancing their careers in the global marketplace. In this course, you will learn about the jo",
631 "syllabus":
632 [
633 [
634 "Unit 1: Entering the Job Market",
635 "In this unit you will learn about the steps in the job search process."
636 ],
637 [
638 "Unit 2: Resumes",
639 "In this unit, you will learn how to describe yourself and your experiences in a résumé. The unit will also help you build your job-related vocabulary."
640 ],
641 [
642 "Unit 3: Writing a Cover Letter",
643 "This unit focuses on another important document for job-seekers: the cover letter. You will learn how to write a clear cover letter that tells employers why you are the right person for the job."
644 ],
645 [
646 "Unit 4: Networking",
647 "This unit will teach job-seekers language for meeting new people, making small talk, and describing"
648 ],
649 [
650 "Unit 5: Interviewing For a Job",
651 "This unit is about the question-and-answer process of job interviews, and will help prepare learners to present themselves well in interviews."
652 ]
653 ]
654 },
655 {
656 "title": "14-day English language fluency course",
657 "platform": "Joel South via Udemy",
658 "link": "https://www.udemy.com/course/14-day-english-language-fluency-course/",
659 "domain": "udemy.com",
660 "rating": "4.8",
661 "reviews": 9409,
662 "pricing_model": "Free",
663 "duration": "2 hours",
664 "description": "You will improve your spoken English in just 2 weeks!"
665 },
666 {
667 "title": "Intensive English Mastery Course: Animated Beginner’s Course",
668 "platform": "Logus Academy via Udemy",
669 "link": "https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-intensive-english-course-for-beginners/",
670 "domain": "udemy.com",
671 "rating": "4.4",
672 "reviews": 18740,
673 "pricing_model": "Paid",
674 "duration": "76 hours",
675 "description": "Intensive English course. 77 Hours of English language speaking, English listening practice. Animated Cartoons"
676 },
677 {
678 "title": "Improve Your English Communication Skills",
679 "platform": "Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera",
680 "link": "https://www.coursera.org/specializations/improve-english",
681 "domain": "coursera.org",
682 "rating": "4.8",
683 "reviews": 16161,
684 "pricing_model": "Subscription",
685 "duration": "1 month",
686 "difficulty": "Beginner",
687 "description": "Offered by Georgia Institute of Technology. Improve Your English Communication Skills. Write and speak more professionally in English to ... Enroll for free."
688 },
689 {
690 "title": "Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone",
691 "platform": "Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera",
692 "link": "https://www.coursera.org/learn/speak-english-professionally",
693 "domain": "coursera.org",
694 "rating": "4.7",
695 "reviews": 10130,
696 "pricing_model": "Partially Free",
697 "duration": "16 hours",
698 "description": "Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how to identify and make a strong personal introduction. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions: how to agree or disagree, how to clarify, restate and summarize. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests o",
699 "syllabus":
700 [
701 [
702 "Communicate in Person: The Power of Face to Face Connections",
703 "Through the lessons this module, you will be able to work on professional conversational vocabulary and proper word stress and intonation. After the final lesson you will be able to present a short \"Elevator Speech.\""
704 ],
705 [
706 "Meet and Talk Online",
707 "This module looks at group discussion situations with the focus on video conferencing. By looking at various scenarios, you will learn key language for group discussion as well as gain some business etiquette."
708 ],
709 [
710 "Powerful Phone Talk",
711 "In this module, you will improve language use and pronunciation for phone conversations. Trickier pronunciation distinctions in can/can't and numbers will be the focus for pronunciation."
712 ],
713 [
714 "Keys to a Strong Interview",
715 "Through the lessons in this module, you will be able to prepare yourself better for an interview in English. The three lesson will focus on improving your body language, pronunciation for -ed and -s ending words, and a practice interview questions."
716 ],
717 [
718 "Put It All Together: Presentations",
719 "In this final module, you will have the chance to put all your newly gained language skills together into a presentation. The two lessons will help you organize and deliver your best presentation."
720 ]
721 ]
722 },
723 {
724 "title": "Master English: Improve Your Speaking, Listening, & Writing",
725 "platform": "Kendra Lucas via Udemy",
726 "link": "https://www.udemy.com/course/master-english/",
727 "domain": "udemy.com",
728 "rating": "4.6",
729 "reviews": 11136,
730 "pricing_model": "Paid",
731 "duration": "4 hours",
732 "description": "Learn new methods to improve your English proficiency fast"
733 },
734 {
735 "title": "Business English Communication Skills",
736 "platform": "University of Washington via Coursera",
737 "link": "https://www.coursera.org/specializations/business-english",
738 "domain": "coursera.org",
739 "rating": "4.8",
740 "reviews": 3356,
741 "pricing_model": "Subscription",
742 "duration": "3 months",
743 "difficulty": "Intermediate",
744 "description": "Offered by University of Washington. Build English Skills for Business . Improve your ability to speak, write and understand English in ... Enroll for free."
745 },
746 {
747 "title": "Complete English Course: Learn English Language | Beginners",
748 "platform": "AbcEdu Online via Udemy",
749 "link": "https://www.udemy.com/course/english-course-for-beginners/",
750 "domain": "udemy.com",
751 "rating": "4.2",
752 "reviews": 2984,
753 "pricing_model": "Paid",
754 "duration": "9 hours",
755 "description": "Learn English for Beginners (A1->A2+) with a Native teacher: English Speaking, English Grammar, English Pronunciation"
756 },
757 {
758 "title": "Speak English With Confidence: English Speaking Course",
759 "platform": "Charlie Cornelius via Udemy",
760 "link": "https://www.udemy.com/course/english-speaking/",
761 "domain": "udemy.com",
762 "rating": "4.7",
763 "reviews": 2248,
764 "pricing_model": "Paid",
765 "duration": "7 hours",
766 "description": "Improve your English Speaking skills, learn new vocabulary and start speaking about common, conversational topics."
767 },
768 {
769 "title": "Spoken English",
770 "platform": "Great Learning Academy via Great Learning",
771 "link": "https://www.mygreatlearning.com/academy/learn-for-free/courses/spoken-english",
772 "domain": "mygreatlearning.com",
773 "rating": "4.4",
774 "reviews": 5275,
775 "pricing_model": "Free",
776 "duration": "1 hour",
777 "difficulty": "Beginner",
778 "description": "Great Learning Academy is a free learning platform offering free English speaking course. This free online spoken English course is tailored to boost your communication ability! Learn essential topics covered, including an Introduction to Communication Skills, navigating Professional Communication, and becoming adept at Professional Jargon. You'll learn the fundamentals of Verbal Communication, explore similar-sounding words, and understand the nuanced use of \"Also,\" \"As well,\" and \"Too.\" Enhance your linguistic skills with targeted English Vocabulary lessons, refine your English Pronunciation, and enrich your lexicon with English Vocabulary designed specifically for Competitive Exams. Whether you aim to improve your daily communication or prepare for professional challenges, this spoken English course is your gateway to advancing your proficiency. Dive into this online English speaking course to elevate your language skills to new heights.",
779 "syllabus":
780 [
781 [
782 "Introduction to Communication Skills",
783 "The course's first module introduces you to effective communication and discusses the essential elements of communication and empathy."
784 ],
785 [
786 "What is Professional Communication?",
787 "In this course module, you will learn the basics of professional communication. Also, you will understand the importance of active listening and its role in professional communication."
788 ],
789 [
790 "Professional Jargons",
791 "In this course module, you will learn about different professional jargon. You will understand the importance of jargon and learn how to use them in professional communication/ office environments."
792 ],
793 [
794 "Rules of Verbal Communication",
795 "In this course module, you will understand what verbal communication is all about. You will learn about the essential rules associated with it. It discusses the components of verbal communication and their categorizations with relevant examples."
796 ],
797 [
798 "Similar sounding words",
799 "In this module of the course, you will learn about English words that sound very similar but have different meanings. Also, the correct and incorrect usage of such words, with relevant examples, is discussed for better understanding."
800 ],
801 [
802 "Correct Usage of Also, As well and Too",
803 "Also, as well, and too’ are three words in English that have similar meanings and are used very frequently. In this module, we’ll learn the correct usage of these three words."
804 ],
805 [
806 "English Vocabulary",
807 "In this course module, you will understand the importance of having a solid hands-on vocabulary. You will learn some new words that can be used in day-to-day conversations. It also discusses the correct usage of such words, with relevant examples."
808 ],
809 [
810 "Alone vs Lonely",
811 "In this module of the course, you will be able to appreciate the difference between the two English words alone and lonely. It also discusses the correct usage of these words, with relevant examples."
812 ],
813 [
814 "English Pronunciation",
815 "In this module of the course, you will understand the importance of having proper pronunciation in your personal and professional communication. It will also discuss the pronunciation of some of the trickiest English words."
816 ],
817 [
818 "English Vocabulary For Competitive Exams",
819 "In this module of the course, you will learn new words that are frequently questioned in competitive exams. By the end of the lecture, you will understand the meaning of such words and learn how to use them in meaningful sentences."
820 ]
821 ]
822 }
823 ],
824 "block_position": 10,
825 "filters":
826 [
827 "English"
828 ]
829 }
830 ],
831 "discussions_and_forums":
832 [
833 {
834 "discussion_title": "Walt Disney World Announces Changes for 2025 + A New Perk - DISboards.com",
835 "link": "https://www.disboards.com/threads/walt-disney-world-announces-changes-for-2025-a-new-perk.3940959/",
836 "source":
837 {
838 "source_title": "DISboards.com",
839 "domain": "www.disboards.com",
840 "time": "1mo ago"
841 },
842 "block_position": 7
843 },
844 {
845 "discussion_title": "Are we stupid to plan a last minute Disney trip 2 weeks out? : r/disneyparks - Reddit",
846 "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyparks/comments/1546oia/are_we_stupid_to_plan_a_last_minute_disney_trip_2/",
847 "source":
848 {
849 "source_title": "Reddit",
850 "domain": "www.reddit.com",
851 "source_community": "r/disneyparks",
852 "comments_count": "20+ comments",
853 "time": "8mo ago"
854 },
855 "block_position": 7
856 },
857 {
858 "discussion_title": "I'm overwhelmed trying to plan a trip to Disney world. Please help me. - Reddit",
859 "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/DisneyPlanning/comments/xbj1zs/im_overwhelmed_trying_to_plan_a_trip_to_disney/",
860 "source":
861 {
862 "source_title": "Reddit",
863 "domain": "www.reddit.com",
864 "source_community": "r/DisneyPlanning",
865 "comments_count": "30+ comments",
866 "time": "1y ago"
867 },
868 "block_position": 7
869 }
870 ],
871 "explore_brands":
872 [
873 {
874 "title": "Mamaearth",
875 "description": "One such example can be Mamaearth 10% Vitamin C Essence Serum. It is \nnatural and comes with the innate goodness of Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and \nGotu Kola Oil.",
876 "link": "https://mamaearth.in/product/10-vitamin-c-face-serum-essence-serum-with-vitamin-c-and-gotu-kola-for-skin-illumination-30ml"
877 },
878 {
879 "title": "mCaffeine",
880 "description": "Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation. This potent serum is enriched with \nantioxidant-rich trio - 15% Vitamin C, Green Tea & Caffeine, which work \ntogether to reduce ...",
881 "link": "https://www.mcaffeine.com/products/green-tea-15-vitamin-c-face-serum-for-glowing-skin-reduces-dark-spots-30-ml"
882 },
883 {
884 "title": "The Moms Co.",
885 "description": "Vitamin C Serum: Buy natural 10% vitamin C face serum for glowing skin at \nbest price in India from The Moms Co. This vitamin C face serum helps fight \nthe ...",
886 "link": "https://themomsco.com/product/natural-10-vitamin-c-face-serum-30ml.html"
887 },
888 {
889 "title": "The Derma Co.",
890 "description": "The Derma Co 20% Vitamin C Face Serum is an ideal potent formulation \nexample. It is meticulously designed by dermatologists with super-actives \nlike Vitamin C, ...",
891 "link": "https://thedermaco.com/product/20-percent-vitamin-c-serum"
892 },
893 {
894 "title": "Organic Harvest",
895 "description": "Buy organic skin brightening serum enriched with Kakadu Plum, Acai Berry & \nRice Water. This natural vitamin c face serum is the perfect elixir for \nglowing ...",
896 "link": "https://www.organicharvest.in/product/brightening-face-serum-kakadu-plum-acai-berry-rice-water-30ml.html"
897 },
898 {
899 "title": "Plum Goodness",
900 "description": "Experience radiant skin with our 15% Vitamin C Face Serum infused with \nMandarin. Boost your glow, fade dark spots, and combat hyperpigmentation \neffectively.",
901 "link": "https://plumgoodness.com/products/vitamin-c-face-serum"
902 },
903 {
904 "title": "Earth Rhythm",
905 "description": "Earth Rhythm's 10% Vitamin C Face Serum is one of a kind and is built to \nbrighten skin, fight hyperpigmentation and dark spots and give a healthy \nglow. This ...",
906 "link": "https://earthrhythm.com/products/10-vitamin-c-face-serum"
907 },
908 {
909 "title": "Ustraa",
910 "description": "Ustraa Vitamin C Face Serum, a non-sticky, 20% Vitamin C serum that \nbrightens and hydrates your skin! With hyaluronic acid, this serum will \nhelp restore ...",
911 "link": "https://www.ustraa.com/vitamin-c-face-serum-20-30-ml/p"
912 }
913 ],
914 "film_info":
915 {
916 "title": "My Donkey, My Lover & I (Antoinette dans les Cévennes)",
917 "subtitle": "2020 ‧ Romance/Adventure ‧ 1h 37m",
918 "year": "2020",
919 "genre": "Romance/Adventure",
920 "length": "1h 37m",
921 "cast":
922 [
923 {
924 "actor": "Laure Calamy",
925 "character": "Antoinette Lapouge",
926 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Laure+Calamy&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUuLSz9U3SK9IKkku0hLKTrbST8vMyQUTVsmJxSWLWHl8EkuLUhWcE3MScyt3sDICAHh5OnNDAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAE"
927 },
928 {
929 "actor": "Benjamin Lavernhe",
930 "character": "Vladimir Loubier",
931 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Benjamin+Lavernhe&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUuLSz9U3qCwusrAw0RLKTrbST8vMyQUTVsmJxSWLWAWdUvOyEnMz8xR8EstSi_IyUnewMgIA36HEeUgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAG"
932 },
933 {
934 "actor": "Olivia Côte",
935 "character": "La femme de Vladimir",
936 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Olivia+C%C3%B4te&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUuLSz9U3qDSxLCks1xLKTrbST8vMyQUTVsmJxSWLWHn8czLLMhMVnA9vKUndwcoIAOR5bodDAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAI"
937 },
938 {
939 "actor": "Jean-Pierre Martins",
940 "character": "Shériff",
941 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Jean-Pierre+Martins&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUuLSz9U3ME0yKCmx0BLKTrbST8vMyQUTVsmJxSWLWIW9UhPzdAMyU4uKUhV8E4tKMvOKd7AyAgBu6ZDoSgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAK"
942 },
943 {
944 "actor": "Ludivine Bluche",
945 "character": "rebouteuse",
946 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=my+donkey,+my+lover+%26+i+ludivine+bluche&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUoJw88xNi4tTskq0hLKTrfTTMnNywYRVcmJxySJW9dxKhZT8vOzUSh0FIDMnvyy1SEFNIVMhpzQlsywzL1UhKac0OSN1BysjAOymmq5hAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAM"
947 },
948 {
949 "actor": "Ludivine de Chastenet",
950 "character": "Elizabeth",
951 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Ludivine+de+Chastenet&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUoJwk8xS8orMilK0hLKTrfTTMnNywYRVcmJxySJWUZ_SlMyyzLxUhZRUBecMoFhqXmrJDlZGAKN_TM9PAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAO"
952 },
953 {
954 "actor": "Matthieu Sampeur",
955 "character": "Romain",
956 "link": "https://www.google.ca/search?gl=ca&hl=en&q=Matthieu+Sampeur&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMwqyMotMC2vUoJwMywNDPOSDFK0hLKTrfTTMnNywYRVcmJxySJWAd_EkpKMzNRSheDE3ILU0qIdrIwARHZhN0oAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwinq6evvfX2AhUE3xoKHYshBG4QgOQBegQIHhAQ"
957 }
958 ],
959 "services":
960 [
961 {
962 "price": "$6.99",
963 "link": "https://tv.apple.com/ca/movie/my-donkey-my-lover--i/umc.cmc.4i8zovwf4r4wyaoczsr7ah5aj?action=play",
964 "title": "tv.apple.com"
965 }
966 ],
967 "reviews":
968 [
969 {
970 "rating": "6.5/10",
971 "source": "IMDb",
972 "description": "My Donkey, My Lover & I scored 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb.",
973 "link": "https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11013434/"
974 },
975 {
976 "rating": "3.6/5",
977 "source": "AlloCiné",
978 "description": "My Donkey, My Lover & I got a 3.6 stars review on AlloCiné.",
979 "link": "https://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=272217.html"
980 },
981 {
982 "rating": "100%",
983 "source": "Rotten Tomatoes",
984 "description": "My Donkey, My Lover & I scored 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.",
985 "link": "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/antoinette_in_the_cevennes"
986 }
987 ],
988 "image": "https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQn1Sz_in5laRUUTMwBj8lejXeBKhyUj9ytdi5GoeJvFYCfOOCe"
989 },
990 "knowledge_graph":
991 {
992 "id": "/g/11qqftc_q2",
993 "title": "Pizza",
994 "type": "Dish",
995 "hours":
996 [
997 {
998 "name": "Monday",
999 "value": "5-10PM"
1000 },
1001 {
1002 "name": "Tuesday",
1003 "value": "5-10PM"
1004 },
1005 {
1006 "name": "Wednesday",
1007 "value": "5-10PM"
1008 },
1009 {
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1012 },
1013 {
1014 "name": "Friday",
1015 "value": "5-11PM"
1016 },
1017 {
1018 "name": "Saturday",
1019 "value": "5-11PM"
1020 },
1021 {
1022 "name": "Sunday",
1023 "value": "5-10PM"
1024 }
1025 ],
1026 "busyness_hours":
1027 {
1028 "monday":
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1030 {
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1034 },
1035 {
1036 "hour": 7,
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1038 "hour_text": "7 AM"
1039 },
1040 {
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1059 },
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1079 },
1080 {
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1084 },
1085 {
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1094 },
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1099 },
1100 {
1101 "hour": 20,
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1103 "hour_text": "8 PM"
1104 },
1105 {
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1110 {
1111 "hour": 22,
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1113 "hour_text": "10 PM"
1114 },
1115 {
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1119 }
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1133 {
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1778 "description": "Pizza is an Italian dish consisting of a usually round, flattened base of leavened wheat-based dough topped with tomatoes, cheese, and often various other ingredients, which is then baked at a high temperature, traditionally in a wood-fired oven. A small pizza is sometimes called a pizzetta.",
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2233 "title": "10-Pack (1-2 ft.), 1-2 ft- Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae, 1-2 ft- The Fastest Growing Privacy Evergreen Tree | Tree Delivery | Tree Delivery",
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2296 "date_utc": "2021-11-01T19:59:54.000Z",
2297 "snippet": "Engage full holiday mode. 😎🎁❄️\n\nAs you transition from spooky season to the season of giving & cheer, what are your wishes for the holidays? ",
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2323 "title": "How To Grow Tomatoes At Home (SEED TO HARVEST)",
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2325 "length": "13.52",
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2331 {
2332 "time": "00:41",
2333 "text": "Take some fresh Tomatoes (Prefer Heirloom varieties) Cut them into slices",
2334 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=41"
2335 },
2336 {
2337 "time": "01:47",
2338 "text": "Seeds can be sown from September to October",
2339 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=107"
2340 },
2341 {
2342 "time": "03:18",
2343 "text": "With a help of a gardening tool take the plants out from the seedling pot. Make sure not to disturb the roots during the transplanting process",
2344 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=198"
2345 },
2346 {
2347 "time": "03:50",
2348 "text": "RIGHT WAY TO PLANT: Tomatoes must be planted deeply. Deep planting encourages healthy and strong root system. At the time of planting, cover bottom 2/3 part of the plant with potting soil.",
2349 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=230"
2350 },
2351 {
2352 "time": "05:04",
2353 "text": "LOCATION:Your tomato plants need between 4-6 hours of total sun per day in order to grow and eventually produce fruit.",
2354 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=304"
2355 },
2356 {
2357 "time": "06:15",
2358 "text": "POLLINATION: While tomato flowers are typically pollinated y wind, and occasionally by bees, the lack of air movement or low insect numbers can slow down the natural pollination process",
2359 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=375"
2360 },
2361 {
2362 "time": "07:12",
2363 "text": "FERTILIZER: You can fertilize the plants with fishmeal, chicken manure,vermi compost or any other organic fertilizer.",
2364 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=432"
2365 },
2366 {
2367 "time": "07:50",
2368 "text": "Too much water and your plant's roots will rot. Too little water and your plants will get weak.",
2369 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=470"
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2372 "time": "08:59",
2373 "text": "As the tomatoes grow bigger and heavier provide extra support to the stems",
2374 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=539"
2375 },
2376 {
2377 "time": "10:55",
2378 "text": "Ripe tomatoes can be plucked by gently pulling at the stem with your fingers. Or, use a sharp scissor to snip them off their branches",
2379 "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySTo2GgvoY&t=655"
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2407 {
2408 "question": "Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following-i- An aqueous solution of AgNO-3- with silver electrodes-ii- An aqueous solution of AgNO-3- with platinum electrodes-iii- A dilute solution of H-2-SO-4- with platinum electrodes-iv- An aqueous solution of CuCl-2- with platinum electrodes",
2409 "answer": "-i- An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with silver electrodes-At cathode- Silver ions have lower discharge potential than hydrogen ions- Hence- silver ions will be deposited in preference to hydrogen ions-At anode- Silver anode will dissolve to form silver ions in the solution-Ag-x2192-Ag-e-x2212-ii- An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with platinum electrodes-At cathode- Silver ions have lower discharge potential than hydrogen ions- Hence- silver ions will be deposited in preference to hydrogen ions-At anode- Hydroxide ions having lower discharge potential will be discharged in preference to nitrate ions- Hydroxide ions will decompose to give oxygen-4OH-x2212-aq-x2192-2H2O-l-O2-g-4e-x2212-iii- A dilute solution of H2SO4 with platinum electrodes-At cathode- 2H-2e-x2212-x2192-H2-g-At anode- Hydroxide ions having lower discharge potential will be discharged in preference to sulphate ions- Hydroxide ions will decompose to give oxygen-4OH-x2212-aq-x2192-2H2O-l-O2-g-4e-x2212-iv- An aqueous solution of C…",
2410 "votes": 79,
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2412 "source":
2413 {
2414 "link": "https://www.toppr.com/ask/question/predict-the-products-of-electrolysis-in-each-of-the-followingi-an-aqueous-solution-of-agno3/",
2415 "domain": "www.toppr.com",
2416 "title": "Toppr"
2417 }
2418 },
2419 {
2420 "question": "Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following-i An aqueous solution of AgNO 3 with silver electrodes-ii An aqueous solution of AgNO 3 with platinum electrodes-iii A dilute solution of H 2 SO 4 with platinum electrodes-iv An aqueous solution of CuCl 2 with platinum electrodes-",
2421 "answer": "(i) At cathode:\nThe\nfollowing reduction reactions compete to take place at the cathode.\n\nThe\nreaction with a higher value of\n\ntakes place at the cathode. Ther ...",
2422 "votes": 40,
2423 "block_position": 2,
2424 "source":
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2426 "link": "https://byjus.com/question-answer/predict-the-products-of-electrolysis-in-each-of-the-following-i-an-aqueous-solution-of-5/",
2427 "domain": "byjus.com",
2428 "title": "BYJU'S"
2429 }
2430 },
2431 {
2432 "question": "Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:(i) An aqueous solution of $AgN{{O}_{3}}with silver electrodes.(ii) An aqueous solution of $AgN{{O}_{3}}$ with platinum electrodes.(iii) A dilute solution of ${{H}_{2}}S{{O}_{4}}$ with platinum electrodes.(iv) An aqueous solution of $CuC{{l}_{2}}$ with platinum electrodes.",
2433 "answer": "Hint: Write the ions that will go to the electrodes i.e. cathode and anode. We have to consider the electrode potential for the respective half reactions. Remember to write the oxidation and reduction of water molecules along with the ions of the salt. Complete step-by-step answer:As suggested in the hint we will write the reactions taking place at anode and cathode for each electrolysis process and then predict the possible products of electrolysis.(i) An aqueous solution of $AgN{{O}_{3}}$ with silver electrodes.Electrolyte : $AgN{{O}_{3}}$Cathode (Silver) :$\\text{A}{{\\text{g}}^{+}}\\text{ + }{{\\text{e}}^{-}}\\text{ }\\to \\text{ Ag}$This is because silver ions have lower discharge potential than hydrogen ions.Anode (Silver):$\\text{Ag }\\to \\text{ A}{{\\text{g}}^{+}}\\text{ + }{{\\text{e}}^{-}}$Product : Ag(ii) An aqueous solution of $AgN{{O}_{3}}$ with platinum electrodes.Electrolyte: $AgN{{O}_{3}}$Cathode(inert) :$\\text{A}{{\\text{g}}^{+}}\\text{ + }{{\\text{e}}^{-}}\\text{ }\\to \\text{ Ag}$This…",
2434 "votes": 0,
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2438 "link": "https://www.vedantu.com/question-answer/predict-the-products-of-electrolysis-in-each-of-class-12-chemistry-cbse-5f7ff0390c3e8778141574c0",
2439 "domain": "www.vedantu.com",
2440 "title": "Vedantu"
2441 }
2442 }
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2447 "query": "pizza near me",
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2449 "type": "standard"
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2452 "query": "pizza recipe",
2453 "link": "https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&q=Pizza+recipe&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUruXHwOjzAhUQpZ4KHbU4BawQ1QJ6BAg6EAE",
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2457 "query": "pizza delivery",
2458 "link": "https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&q=Pizza+delivery&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUruXHwOjzAhUQpZ4KHbU4BawQ1QJ6BAg7EAE",
2459 "type": "standard"
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2462 "query": "pizza history",
2463 "link": "https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&q=Pizza+history&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUruXHwOjzAhUQpZ4KHbU4BawQ1QJ6BAg8EAE",
2464 "type": "standard"
2465 },
2466 {
2467 "query": "pizza delivery near me",
2468 "link": "https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&q=Pizza+delivery+near+me&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUruXHwOjzAhUQpZ4KHbU4BawQ1QJ6BAg9EAE",
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2470 }
2471 ],
2472 "related_questions":
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2474 {
2475 "question": "What is the best pizza ever?",
2476 "answer": "The World's Best Pizza: 2020. L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele, Naples.The Good Son, . Toronto.Bæst, Copenhagen.Pizza Fabbrica, Singapore.PI, Dublin.Animaletto Pizza Bar, Bucharest.Pizza e Mozzarella Bar, Adelaide.",
2477 "source":
2478 {
2479 "link": "https://bigseventravel.com/worlds-best-pizza-2019/",
2480 "displayed_link": "https://bigseventravel.com › worlds-best-pizza-2019",
2481 "title": "The 50 Best Pizzas in the World - Big 7 Travel"
2482 },
2483 "search":
2484 {
2485 "link": "https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+the+best+pizza+ever?&gl=us&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=J0VdqqUA0M8OIM%252CTu4ojd0dXpDk7M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTkb1sNKxI1VjAE7nZOqaPzeEMn7w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUruXHwOjzAhUQpZ4KHbU4BawQ9QF6BAgTEAE#imgrc=J0VdqqUA0M8OIM"
2486 },
2487 "block_position": 2
2488 },
2489 {
2490 "question": "What is Pizza Hut $10 deal?",
2491 "answer": "Pizza Hut is introducing the $10 Tastemaker, where you can choose any three toppings on a large pizza for just $10 – and get it any way you want it, via contactless delivery, carryout or curbside pickup.",
2492 "source":
2493 {
2494 "link": "https://blog.pizzahut.com/pizza-hut-unveils-10-tastemaker-with-680-topping-combinations/",
2495 "displayed_link": "https://blog.pizzahut.com › pizza-hut-unveils-10-tastemak...",
2496 "title": "Pizza Hut Unveils $10 Tastemaker With 680 Topping Combinations"
2497 },
2498 "block_position": 2
2499 },
2500 {
2501 "question": "Why is Papa John's so expensive?",
2502 "answer": "The convenience of Papa John's is a major reason it is so expensive. When people can be lazy and don't feel like preparing the food, they are willing to pay more for it. ... Restaurants and fast-food chains can get away with charging higher prices because of the laziness of people.",
2503 "source":
2504 {
2505 "link": "https://www.thecoldwire.com/why-is-papa-johns-so-expensive/",
2506 "displayed_link": "https://www.thecoldwire.com › why-is-papa-johns-so-exp...",
2507 "title": "Why Is Papa John's So Expensive? (Top 8 Reasons) - The Cold Wire"
2508 },
2509 "block_position": 2
2510 },
2511 {
2512 "question": "What is the real name of pizza?",
2513 "answer": "A precursor of pizza was probably the focaccia, a flat bread known to the Romans as panis focacius, to which toppings were then added. Modern pizza evolved from similar flatbread dishes in Naples, Italy, in the 18th or early 19th century.",
2514 "source":
2515 {
2516 "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_pizza",
2517 "displayed_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › History_of_pizza",
2518 "title": "History of pizza - Wikipedia"
2519 },
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3008 {
3009 "link": "https://www.eonline.com/news/1305311/rami-malek-may-have-pulled-the-boldest-move-in-pizza-delivery-history",
3010 "title": "Rami Malek May Have Pulled the Boldest Move In Pizza Delivery History",
3011 "visible_initially": true,
3012 "source": "E! Online",
3013 "date": "1 day ago",
3014 "date_utc": "2021-10-09T11:00:00.000Z",
3015 "thumbnail": "data:image/jpeg;base64,<Base64 image data>",
3016 "block_position": 2
3017 },
3018 {
3019 "link": "https://abc13.com/dominos-pizza-delivery-driver-shot-shooting-clover-street-southeast-houston-nita/11098492/",
3020 "title": "Domino's pizza delivery driver shot multiple times and SUV stolen in southeast Houston, police say",
3021 "visible_initially": true,
3022 "source": "ABC13",
3023 "date": "2 days ago",
3024 "date_utc": "2021-10-08T11:00:00.000Z",
3025 "thumbnail": "data:image/jpeg;base64,<Base64 image data>",
3026 "block_position": 2
3027 },
3028 {
3029 "link": "https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/pizza-delivery-man-critically-wounded-in-shooting",
3030 "title": "Pizza delivery man critically wounded in shooting",
3031 "visible_initially": true,
3032 "source": "WOAI",
3033 "date": "2 days ago",
3034 "date_utc": "2021-10-08T11:00:00.000Z",
3035 "thumbnail": "data:image/jpeg;base64,<Base64 image data>",
3036 "block_position": 2
3037 }
3038 ]