GET /search
The Google Search Parameters are applicable when making a request to the Search API to retrieve Google search results for a given search term. The search term is specified in the q parameter. The location your search is run from is determined by the location parameter, which can be populated with a full_name or gps_coordinates value from the Locations API.

For example, to request videos results for the keyword pizza in the location United States , the request would be:
The following parameters are available for Google Search requests:
Parameter | Required | Description |
q | required | The keyword you want to use to perform the search. |
include_ai_overview | optional | Only for Desktop and Mobile is supported. To use this feature, add include_ai_overview=true to your request. Note: If the search includes an AI Overview, it will cost an additional credit. -- if include_ai_overview=false, we will return a message to indicate whether or not AI Overview is offered by Google for your search |
location | optional | Determines the geographic location in which the query is executed. You can enter any location as free-text, but if you choose one of the VALUE SERP built-in locations then the google_domain , gl and hl parameters are automatically updated to the domain, country and language that match the built-in location (note that this behaviour can be disabled via the location_auto parameter). To get results based on latitude and longitude coordinates you should specify your location parameter in the form location=lat:43.437677,lon:-3.8392765 where 43.437677 is your latitude value and -3.8392765 is your longitude value. The gl and hl parameters are not automatically updated when using this format. |
location_auto | optional | If the location field is set to a VALUE SERP built-in location from the Locations API , and location_auto is set to true (default) then the google_domain , gl and hl parameters are automatically updated to the domain, country and language that match the built-in location. Valid values are true (default) to enable this behaviour or false to disable. |
uule | optional | The Google UULE parameter - use to pass through a custom uule parameter to Google. VALUE SERP automatically generates the uule when you use the location parameter but we allow you to overwrite it directly by specifying a uule directly. |
google_domain | optional | The Google domain to use to run the search query. View the full list of supported google_domain values here . Defaults to . |
gl | optional | The gl parameter determines the Google country to use for the query. View the full list of supported gl values here . Defaults to us . |
hl | optional | The hl parameter determines the Google UI language to return results. View the full list of supported hl values here . Defaults to en . |
lr | optional | The lr parameter limits the results to websites containing the specified language. View the full list of supported lr values here . |
cr | optional | The cr parameter instructs Google to limit the results to websites in the specified country. View the full list of supported cr values here . |
time_period | optional | Determines the time period of the results shown. It can be set to last_hour , last_day (for the last 24 hours), last_week (for the last 7 days), last_month , last_year or custom . When using custom you must also specifiy one or both of the time_period_min or time_period_max parameters to define the custom time period. |
time_period_min | optional | Determines the minimum (i.e. 'from') time to use when time_period is set to custom . Should be in the form MM/DD/YYYY , I.e. for 31st December 2018 time_period_min would be 12/31/2018 . |
time_period_max | optional | Determines the maximum (i.e. 'to') time to use when time_period is set to custom . Should be in the form MM/DD/YYYY , I.e. for 31st December 2018 time_period_max would be 12/31/2018 . |
nfpr | optional | Determines whether to exclude results from auto-corrected queries that were spelt wrong. Can be set to 1 to exclude auto-corrected results, or 0 (default) to include them. |
filter | optional | Determines if the filters for Similar Results and Omitted Results are on or off. Can be set to 1 (default) to enable these filters, or 0 to disable these filters. |
safe | optional | Determines whether Safe Search is enabled for the results. Can be set to active to enable Safe Search, or off to disable Safe Search. |
page | optional | Determines the page of results to return, defaults to 1 . Use in combination with the num parameter to implement pagination. |
max_page | optional | Use the max_page parameter to get multiple pages of results in one request. The API will automatically paginate through pages and concatenate the results into one response. See the Pagination docs for more information. |
num | optional | Determines the number of results to show per page. Use in combination with the page parameter to implement pagination |
tbs | optional | Sets a specific string to be added to the Google tbs parameter in the underlying Google query. The tbs parameter is normally generated automatically by the API, but it can be set explicitly also. |
knowledge_graph_id | optional | The knowledge_graph_id request parameter sets the kgmid Google parameter. You can use this to prompt a specific knowledge graph to show in the results, an example would be knowledge_graph_id=/m/0jg24 |
order_online | optional | Can be set to true or false . Determines whether VALUE SERP returns pickup and delivery information for a restaurant business. When order_online=true a order_food property an object of arrays: (delivery and pickup) details is shown in the result. Note : When order_online=true 2 credits are charged instead of 1 for the request (this is due to the increased number of internal requests required to retrieve summarization attributes). not supported on mobile |
flatten_results | optional | Can be set to true or false . Determines whether VALUE SERP flattens the inline_videos , inline_images , inline_tweets , top_stories and local_results and shows them inline with the organic_results . This is useful if you want a simplified list of all of the results shown for an organic web search, irrespective of the type of result. When flatten_results=true then a new property type is added to each item in the organic_results array indicating the type of result (i.e. "ad", "inline_tweets" etc). |
include_answer_box | optional | Determines whether to include the answer box (sometimes called the "featured snippet") in the organic_results array and treat it as the first result. This may be desirable if you treat the result Bing displayed in the answer_box as the first organic result. |
fields | optional | Support for Google Web Only *this is NOT supported for Batches Enables selection of top-level objects to parse. If the fields parameter is not provided or is an empty array, all available fields will be parsed. (fields="organic_results", "top_sights" etc). Note: Currently does not support selecting specific subfields within a top-level object |
Next Steps Google Search Results