Core APIs
Seller Data

Seller Profile


Seller Profile Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=seller_profile Rainforest API will return details of seller specified in either the seller_id and amazon_domain parameters or the url parameter.

Seller profile details are retrieved from the seller profile page for a single seller on Amazon. You can retrieve the seller_id value for a given seller from other Rainforest requests, such as type=offers requests.

You can use subsequent seller products and seller feedback requests to retrieve iterate all of the products and customer feedback from a given seller.

Seller Profile Page
Seller Profile Page

An example of the JSON object returned from an Seller Profile request is shown below:


Rainforest API returns the following properties for Seller Profile requests:






Seller Details Object The seller details object contains address, contact and ratings details about the seller.

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the seller.

  • store_link
  • string
  • A link to the sellers Amazon store.

  • logo
  • string
  • The link to the logo of the seller.

  • phone
  • string
  • The phone number of the seller, if shown.

  • email
  • string
  • The email of the seller, if shown.

  • rating
  • number
  • The rating of the seller, out of 5.

  • ratings_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer ratings the seller has received.

  • ratings_total_percentage
  • number
  • The total positive customer ratings percentage the seller has received.

  • business_name
  • string
  • The name of the business, if shown. This is typically shown as the businesses legal name, as opposed to the seller brand name shown in the name property.

  • business_address
  • string
  • The address of the sellers' business, if shown on the seller profile page.

  • business_address_rows
  • array
  • The address of the sellers' business presented as an array of strings for each line of the address, if shown on the seller profile page.

  • about_this_seller
  • string
  • This is a free-form text area populated by the seller describing the seller.

  • detailed_information
  • string
  • Detailed information about the seller. This is a free-form text area populated by the seller but is likely to contain their address and contact details.



Feedback Summary Object The feedback summary object gives a breakdown of the seller customer feedback received over the last 30 days, 90 days, 12 months and for the lifetime of the seller. Positive, neutral, negative and total count datapoints are available.

  • thirty_days
  • object
  • An object containing the positive_percent , neutral_percent , negative_percent and count feedback the seller has received in the last 30 days.

  • ninety_days
  • object
  • An object containing the positive_percent , neutral_percent , negative_percent and count feedback the seller has received in the last 90 days.

  • twelve_months
  • object
  • An object containing the positive_percent , neutral_percent , negative_percent and count feedback the seller has received in the last 12 months.

  • lifetime
  • object
  • An object containing the positive_percent , neutral_percent , negative_percent and count feedback the seller has received over the lifetime of the seller.



Feedback Array The feedback array contains the first page of customer feedback shown on the seller profile page. To retrieve further pages of customer feedback you should issue type=seller_feedback requests. The feedback object has the following properties:

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating given with the feedback, out of 5.

  • body
  • string
  • The body text of the customer feedback.

  • rater
  • string
  • The name of the customer giving the customer feedback about this seller.

Next Steps      Seller Profile Parameters

Updated 11 Aug 2024
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