Core APIs
Core Requests



Category Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=category RedCircle API will return category results from Target.

Category results are retrieved from the category results page on Target.

Category Results Page
Category Results Page

An example of the JSON object returned from a Category request is shown below:


RedCircle API returns the following properties for Category requests:






An array of Category Result objects, containing each of the product results shown on the Category Results page. The Category Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the result on the category results page.

Product Object The product object contains details about the product within the category result. The product object has the following properties:

  • title
  • string
  • The product title.

  • link
  • string
  • The URL to the product page.

  • brand
  • string
  • The brand name of the product, if shown.

  • brand_link
  • string
  • A URL to the brand landing page.

  • tcin
  • string
  • The product TCIN (Target product ID). Pass the tcin into a type=product request to get product-level data about the product.

  • dpci
  • string
  • The Target "Department - Class - Item" ID of the product.

  • sponsored
  • boolean
  • Set to true when the search result is sponsored.

  • main_image
  • string
  • The primary image URL associated with the product.

  • images
  • array
  • An array of image URLs for the product.

  • videos
  • array
  • An array of video objects containing string link and type properties for the URL to the video, and its' MIME type (i.e. video/mp4 ).

  • class_id
  • string
  • The Target class ID the product belongs to.

  • department_id
  • string
  • The Target department ID the product belongs to.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating of this product, out of 5.

  • ratings_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer ratings this product has received.

Offers Object The offers object contains details about the product offers. The offers object has the following properties:

  • all_offers
  • array
  • An array containing all of the offers, in the case of there being multiple. The objects in the all_offers array have the same properties as the primary offer object.

  • primary
  • object
  • Primary Offer Object The primary offer object contains details about the primary seller offer for the product and has the following properties:
      1. price
      2. number
      3. The price of the seller offer.
      1. max_price
      2. number
      3. The maximum price of the seller offer in the case of range pricing (min/max).
      1. min_price
      2. number
      3. The minimum price of the seller offer in the case of range pricing (min/max).
      1. currency
      2. string
      3. The currency of the seller offer.
      1. symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol of the seller offer.
      1. regular_price
      2. number
      3. The regular, undiscounted price, if shown.

Fulfillment Object The fulfillment object contains details about the product delivery and pickup options. The fulfillment object has the following properties:

  • type
  • string
  • The fulfillment model for the offer, values are be: 1p sold and fulfilled by Target. 3p sold and fulfilled by third party seller.

Seller Object The seller object contains details the seller (populated when fulfillment.type=1p). It has the following properties:

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the seller of the buybox winning offer.

  • id
  • string
  • The ID of the seller of the buybox winning offer.



Related Queries Object An array containing details of any related queries shown on the search result page. Each object in the related_queries array contains the following properties:

  • query
  • string
  • The related query search term text.

  • link
  • number
  • The URL to the related query search results.



Facet Object An array containing details of any available result facets (refinements) shown on the category result page. You can use the facets returned here to refine your query by supplying facet information into the facets request parameter . Each object in the facets array contains the following properties:

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the facet.

  • display_name
  • string
  • The display name of the facet (i.e. the user-facing name).

  • values
  • array
  • Facet Values Array The facet values array shows the values of the given facet.
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the facet.
      1. display_name
      2. string
      3. The display name of the facet value (i.e. the user-facing name of the facet value).
      1. id
      2. string
      3. The ID of the facet, can be used in the facets request parameter .



Categories Array An array containing details of the categories (i.e. subcategories) shown on the page. You can use the id of a category to refine your query by supplying facet information into the category_id request parameter . Each object in the categories array contains the following properties:

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the category.

  • id
  • string
  • The ID of the category (can be used in the category_id request parameter).



Breadcrumbs Array An array containing details of the categories shown in the breadcrumbs. Each object in the array contains the following properties:

  • name
  • string
  • The name of the category (i.e. "Toys").

  • link
  • string
  • The link to the category.

  • category_id
  • string
  • If shown, the category_id of the category. Can we used in a future type=category requests category_id request parameter to retrieve other products in this category.



Pagination Object An object containing details of the current results page and the total number of pages that are available. To paginate you should specify the page number in your request's page parameter .

  • current
  • object
  • Current Page Object Contains details of the current page
      1. page
      2. number
      3. The current page number.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The current page URL.

  • next
  • object
  • Next Page Object Contains details of the next page
      1. page
      2. number
      3. The next page number.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The next page URL.

  • total_pages
  • number
  • The total number of pages shown as being available.

  • total_results
  • number
  • The total number of search results shown as being available.

Next Steps      Category Parameters

Updated 06 Aug 2024
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