Core APIs
Core Requests



Product Results

When making a request with the type parameter set to type=product RedCircle API will return product details for the product specified in either the tcin , dpci or url parameter

Product details are retrieved from the product page for a single product on Target.

Target Product Page
Target Product Page

An example of the JSON object returned from an Product request is shown below:


RedCircle API returns the following properties for Product requests:






An object containing details of the primary product shown on the product page.

  • title
  • string
  • The product title.

  • link
  • string
  • The URL to the product page.

  • brand
  • string
  • The brand name of the product, if shown.

  • brand_link
  • string
  • A URL to the brand landing page.

  • tcin
  • string
  • The product TCIN (Target product ID). Pass the tcin into a type=product request to get product-level data about the product.

  • dpci
  • string
  • The Target "Department - Class - Item" ID of the product.

  • upc
  • string
  • The UPC of the product, if shown.

  • description
  • string
  • The main descriptive text of the product shown on the product page.

  • aisle
  • string
  • The product in-store aisle location (if available). You can determine which store the results are taken from using the customer_zipcode request parameter.

  • ingredients
  • string
  • The ingredients string (for grocery TCINs).

  • servings
  • number
  • The ingredients string (for grocery TCINs).

  • nutrients
  • array
  • Nutrients Array The main image object contains primary image shown when the product page was loaded.

      Document image
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the nutrient.
      1. quantity
      2. number
      3. The quantity of the nutrient.
      1. unit
      2. string
      3. The unit the nutrient quantity is measured in.

  • feature_bullets
  • array
  • The feature bullets property contains an array of strings representing the bullet-point features shown on the product page.

  • main_image
  • object
  • Main Image Object The main image object contains primary image shown when the product page was loaded.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the main image.

  • images
  • array
  • Images Array The images property contains an array of image objects containing the other available product images, excluding the main image. The image object has the following properties:
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the image.

  • videos
  • array
  • Videos Array The videos property contains an array of video objects. The video object has the following properties:
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the video.
      1. type
      2. string
      3. The MIME type (i.e. video/mp4 ) of the video.

  • breadcrumbs
  • array
  • Breadcrumbs Array An array containing details of the category breadcrumbs in the title section the page (if shown). Each object in the breadcrumbs array contains the following properties:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the category breadcrumb.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the category breadcrumb.

  • specifications
  • array
  • Specifications Array The specifications array contains details of the product specifications as shown in the specifications tables.
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the specification i.e. "Batteries".
      1. value
      2. string
      3. The value of the specification i.e. "2 AA Batteries".

  • specifications_flat
  • string
  • The specifications flat property contains the contents of the specifications array flattened into a string. This is useful when exporting data as CSV when you require all the specifications content in one field rather than split across multiple rows.

  • variants
  • array
  • Variants Array The variants array contains details of variants of the current product as shown on the product page.
      1. tcin
      2. string
      3. The TCIN of the variant product. Can be passed in to a subsequent type=product request in the tcin parameter to retrieve product details of the variant.
      1. dpci
      2. string
      3. The DPCI of the variant product.
      1. upc
      2. string
      3. The UPC of the variant product, if shown.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. The link to the product page of the variant product.
      1. title
      2. string
      3. The title of the variant product.
      1. main_image
      2. string
      3. The image URL to the main image of the variant product.
      1. swatch_image
      2. string
      3. The swatch image URL to the main image of the variant product.
      1. attributes
      2. object
      3. An object representing the attributes of the variant. Eg Size , Color , etc
      1. price
      2. object
      3. An object representing the price of the variant product.

  • rating
  • number
  • The overall rating of the product, out of 5.

  • ratings_total
  • number
  • The total number of customer ratings the product has received.

  • weight
  • string
  • The product weight, if shown.

  • dimensions
  • string
  • The product dimensions (if available).

  • top_reviews
  • array
  • An array of review objects containing the reviews shown on the product page under the "Guest Ratings & Reviews" heading. The review object has a subset of the properties returned by a type=reviews reviews request . Note to return all reviews for a given product use the reviews request .

  • buybox_winner
  • object
  • Buybox Winner Object The "buybox" describes the winning offer for the product. The buybox_winner object contains details of the winning offer and has the following properties:

  • Price Object The price object represents the price of the buybox winning offer. It has the following properties:
      1. value
      2. number
      3. The price of the buybox winning offer.
      1. currency
      2. string
      3. The 3-letter ISO currency code of the buybox winning offer - i.e. USD .
      1. currency_symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol of the buybox winning offer - i.e. $ .

  • Was Price Object The was price object represents the was (previous) price of the buybox winning offer, if shown. It has the following properties:
      1. value
      2. number
      3. The was price of the buybox winning offer.
      1. currency
      2. string
      3. The 3-letter ISO currency code of the buybox winning offer - i.e. USD .
      1. currency_symbol
      2. string
      3. The currency symbol of the buybox winning offer - i.e. $ .

  • Availability Object The availability object contains details the buybox-winning product availability. It has the following properties:
      1. raw
      2. string
      3. The raw availability text as shown on the product page.
      1. in_stock
      2. boolean
      3. Set to true if the product is in stock via any fulfillment channel, false otherwise.

  • Seller Object The seller object contains details the seller of the buybox-winning offer. It has the following properties:
      1. name
      2. string
      3. The name of the seller of the buybox winning offer.
      1. id
      2. string
      3. The ID of the seller of the buybox winning offer.
      1. link
      2. string
      3. A link to the sellers landing page on the Target website.

  • Fulfillment Object The fulfillment object contains details the fulfillment channels for the buybox-winning product offer. It has the following properties:
      1. type
      2. string
      3. The fulfillment model for the offer, values are be: 1p sold and fulfilled by Target. 3p sold and fulfilled by third party seller.
      1. pickup
      2. boolean
      3. Set to true if the pickup-from-store fulfillment channel is available ( pickup_info will be present with further details), false otherwise.
      1. pickup_info
      2. object
      3. Populated when pickup=true . Contains a ready_in_minutes property giving the number of minutes the in-store pickup will be available, stock_level indicating the quantity available in-store and further properties detailing the store address.
      1. delivery_from_store
      2. boolean
      3. Set to true if the delivery-from-store fulfillment channel (typically Shipt) is available, false otherwise.
      1. shipping
      2. boolean
      3. Set to true if the shipping fulfillment channel is available ( shipping_info will be present with further details), false otherwise.
      1. shipping_info
      2. object
      3. Populated when shipping=true . Contains a stock_level indicating the quantity available for shipping and a services array containing details of each of the types of shipping service offered. Note that the shipping service with is_default=true set is the default selected shipping service for the product.



Location Info Object An object containing details of the location in which the request was run, as-per the customer_zipcode request parameter. Only present when the product.buybox_winner.fulfillment.pickup=true (i.e. when the product is available in-store).

  • address
  • string
  • The address of the store the request was run in.

  • city
  • string
  • The city the request was run in.

  • state
  • string
  • The state the request was run in.

  • zipcode
  • string
  • The zipcode the request was run in.

  • store_name
  • string
  • The name of the store that the request was run from.

  • store_id
  • string
  • The ID of the store that the request was run from.

Next Steps      Product Parameters

Updated 06 Aug 2024
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