Core APIs
Core Requests



Yandex Search Results


SerpWow parses Yandex search results when the engine=yandex request parameter is set.

Yandex Search Results
Yandex Search Results

Below is an example of how Yandex search results are represented in the SerpWow result JSON:


SerpWow returns the following properties for engine=yandex requests:






An array of Organic Result objects, containing each of the organic results returned. The Organic Result object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the organic result on the current page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the organic result.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the organic result.

  • domain
  • string
  • The domain of the link to the organic result.

  • displayed_link
  • string
  • The displayed (visual) link shown next to the organic result.

  • snippet
  • string
  • The snippet text of the organic result.



An array of Ads objects, containing each of the sponsored ads shown on the Yandex SERP. The Ad object has the following properties:

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the ad result within the ads on the current page.

  • title
  • string
  • The title text of the ad.

  • tracking_link
  • string
  • The tracking link that is followed when the Ad is clicked.

  • displayed_link
  • string
  • The displayed (visual) link shown in the ad.

  • description
  • string
  • The descriptive text of the ad.

  • domain
  • string
  • The domain of the website behind the ad (extracted from the displayed_link ).

  • block_position
  • string
  • The position of ad block this ad belongs to on the Yandex SERP page. Can be set to top or bottom .



An array of Local Result objects containing details of the local results shown under the local map on the Yandex SERP page.


    Document image

  • position
  • number
  • The position of the local result in the local_results array.

  • title
  • string
  • The title of the local result, typically the business name.

  • link
  • string
  • A link to the local result business website, if shown.

  • logo
  • string
  • An image URL link to the logo, if shown.

  • thumbnail
  • string
  • An image URL link to the thumbnail, if shown.

  • rating
  • number
  • The customer rating of the local result, out of 5, if shown.

  • reviews
  • number
  • The number of customers reviews the local result has received.

  • opening_hours
  • string
  • An opening hours of the local result, if shown.



An object containing details of the pagination section of the page.

  • current
  • number
  • The current page number, if shown.

  • next
  • string
  • The Yandex URL of the next page of results.

  • other_pages
  • object
  • An object containing details of the other pages shown on the results page. The object is keyed by the other page number, with the value being the Yandex URL to the page.

Next Steps      Yandex Search Parameters

Updated 16 Aug 2024
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